Higher Expectations. Brighter Futures.
Learn more about Parkway's superintendent search.
No School (Fall Break)
7:30 PM All-District Choir Concert
Half Day AM PK-12
No School (Election Day - Professional Development)
Parkway was invited to a joint news conference with the FBI, U.S. District Attorney’s Office, and local law enforcement to discuss the frequency of hoax threats and their consequences
Approximately 16,000 students nationwide were selected as semifinalists, and 95% will go on to become finalists.
From summer fun to classroom fun; first day of school is on the horizon
Aristuto Paul was awarded a college-sponsored National Merit scholarship.
Please help us welcome our new administrators for the 2024-25 school year.
Jemuel Lee, Grace Li, Zeidan Reza, Central High; Jayden Keean Choe, South High; Will Gonsior, Gavin Hughes, West High
College-sponsored Merit Scholarship winners are a part of the distinguished group of about 6,870 high school seniors.
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