March 20


    Welcome back from Spring Break! 

    I hope you were able to enjoy some of your break in the midst of all the chaos.  Things have sure changed a lot since the last time we met.  The first thing I want to tell you is to relax.  Things are going to be different, but we will get through it.

    If you are checking this page, then you remember that before break I asked you to check here first for updates for class.  We are going to continue with the schedule I gave you for the Problem / Solution unit.  That means your job for the week of March 23 is to finish your draft and have two students, friends, or family members edit the draft for you.  Everyone is learning a new normal this week, so the draft and peer edits can be completed anytime before Monday, March 30. 

    For the peer edit, share your paper with your editors and have them add comments and corrections.  Make the necessary corrections, but don't click Resolve on the comment so I can see the suggestions.  I will put the peer edit sheet in the Problem / Solution link to the left.  You may have your editors refer to it for guidance, but they do not need to fill out the sheet.  The comments on your draft will be sufficient.  The final draft for the paper will be due later next week (week of March 30).

    I will provide you with some additional information in the next few days regarding future plans and contact times for me.  The district is asking us to use Schoology as a format, so I may be moving updates over there.  I will keep you posted.

    In the meantime, relax and be safe. 

    Take care,

    Ms. Guymon

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