- Parkway Schools
- Summary of Projects
Summary of Projects
Maintenance and Repairs
- Doors and windows $680,000
- Electrical power and lighting $3,005,000
- Exterior walls $310,603
- Flooring $2,400,000
- Wood gym floors and bleachers $2,045,327
- Heating, ventilation, air conditioning and plumbing $20,171,406
- Pavement (parking lots, drives, sidewalks, ramps and exterior stairs) $7,688,622
- Roofing $13,809,813
- Retaining walls, fences, athletic fields, equipment and tracks $3,668,590
- Energy reduction/generation, stormwater runoff, mowing and irrigation reduction $4,000,000
Maintenance and Repairs Total $57,779,361Safety and Security
- Add fire sprinkler systems for safety and building/fire safety code $1,922,628
- American With Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance projects $600,000
- Add walls and doors to classrooms at Bellerive to improve lockdown security $1,235,000
- Extend walls and add doors to classrooms at Wren Hollow to improve security $2,550,000
- Extend walls at Hanna Woods to improve lockdown security $934,000
- Double security cameras at elementary schools for improved safety and security $216,000
- Replace door locks for security (ability to lock doors from within the rooms) $513,930
- Add secure vestibules at main entrance with double-entry doors at all five middle schools and all five high schools (vestibules will be added to elementary schools and Early Childhood Center using operating funds) $3,817,000
- Add intruder-resistant security film to vulnerable entrances and windows $500,000
- Add canopy over sidewalk at West Middle for improved safety $257,097
Safety and Security Total $12,545,655
Technology Updates
- Replace aging analog telephone system with digital system $4,000,000
- Replace aging classroom technology: smartboards and document cameras $4,000,000
Technology Updates Total $8,000,000
Classroom, Restroom, Library, Health and other Renovations/Additions
- Renovate West High fine arts area and classrooms $2,282,000
- Renovate aging restrooms $2,200,000
- Renovate middle school libraries $460,000
- Renovations to North High to begin phase two of master plan $7,315,000
- Convert Instructional Services Center (ISC) to McKelvey primary school to address overcrowding $7,494,115
- Maintenance and repair projects at ISC $4,309,549
- Renovate Fern Ridge science classroom, nurse and counselor areas $1,624,000
- Renovate nurse’s areas: Oak Brook, Northeast Middle and Early Childhood $500,000
- Renovations/additions at South Middle to create classrooms and office space for staff displaced from ISC $5,489,000
Classroom, Restroom, Library and other Renovations/Additions Total $31,673,664
TOTAL BOND ISSUE $109,998,680