Welcome to Mrs. Nalbandian's homepage. Most communication for your child's class will occur in the classroom. Please ask your child what is happening in class. I'm "old school" -- I send home a paper calendar with your child, for example. The best way to reach me is through email: jmnalbandian@parkwayschools.net. I look forward to communicating with you throughout the school year!
2017-18 Schedule:
Red Days:
1st block: College Composition (seniors)
3rd block: College Composition (seniors)
5th block: plan and prep
7th block: Honors 9th grade English
Blue Days:
2nd block: 9th grade English co-taught with Ms. Bredenkoetter
4th block: Academic Lab (junior level)
6th block: plan and prep
8th block: 9th grade English co-taught with Ms. Bredenkoetter