• Mrs. Dresser 

    Room 700

    email (*best way to reach me*): jdresser@parkwayschools.net

    Classroom Phone: 314-41-9712 

    Red Days
    1st Block:  Plan
    3rd Block:  Algebra 1
    5th Block:  Algebra 1
    7th Block:  +AP Statistics
    Blue Days
    2nd Block:  Plan
    4th Block:  Academic lab
    6th Block:  +AP Statistics
    8th Block:  +AP Statistics

     Please click on the link to Schoology where all of the documents for your course will be located.  Use your parkwayschools gmail account and the access code below to joing the class.  


    +AP Statistics access code: Z7945-MWX57

    Algebra access code: 2BWKF-THDKC