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Parkway School Board Candidate Forum is Monday, March 27

3/1/2023 -- The League of Women Voters of St. Louis is sponsoring a forum for candidates running for the Parkway Board of Education. All the candidates who have filed for the three open board positions have been invited. The candidates, in order of filing and as their names will appear on the ballot, are:

1. Jeff Todd
2. Ryan Kerr
3. Kathy Guerra
4. Deborah A. "Debbie" Hopper
5. Mark Ivancic
6. Tiffany Mapp Franklin
7. Matt Ehlen

Date: Monday, March 27

Time: 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.

Location: Parkway Welcome Center (behind/attached next to South Middle)
                 760 Woods Mill Road
                 Manchester, MO 63011

Watch the live stream of the forum here.

Candidates will be available to present their views and address questions from the public. For more information on the candidates, visit the Board of Education page.

The election is Tuesday, April 4, 2023. The terms of Deborah Hopper, Tiffany Mapp Franklin and Jeff Todd expire in April 2023.

Parkway Schools cannot endorse or oppose any candidate running for office in a school board election.