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Preparing for winter weather
Winter weather in the St. Louis area can be unpredictable. As snow, ice, and frigid temperatures become more likely, Parkway leaders closely monitor forecasts and make decisions with the safety of students and staff as the top priority. Here’s what to expect and how to stay prepared for winter weather and possible school closures.
What to expect during severe weather:
Our calendar allows for three snow days. If we need more than three snow days this year, we will have virtual learning days.
Late start and/or early dismissal: We have the option to start two hours late or dismiss early if needed.
No Before or After School Care: If schools close or dismiss early due to inclement weather, before and after school care will not be available.
Cancellations: When schools are closed, most events, practices, and student activities are canceled, and district buildings are closed. Coaches and schools will communicate specific updates.
More Information: For details on school closures, click here.
How We Will Contact You
If there is a school closure or schedule change, we will notify staff and parents via:
Phone call, text, and email
Local TV and radio broadcasts
Parkway’s website and social media channels
How to prepare
Have a family plan to prepare for a potential closing or a schedule change.
Update your contact info. If you need to update your contact information, log in to the Infinite Campus Parent Portal or update your settings in the Infinite Campus Parent app.
Please know we closely monitor weather conditions. Our decisions are always based on the safety of your children.
Cold Weather Preparation
Warm Buses: Parkway buses are connected to heaters overnight to ensure they are warm and ready for your children.
Warm Clothing: Please remind your children to wear appropriate winter clothing.
Arrange Ride for Walkers: If your child usually walks, consider arranging a ride on extremely cold days.
Wind Chill and School Closures
Parkway uses the National Weather Service's wind chill chart as a guide when deciding to close schools or adjust outdoor activities.
Schools may close if wind chill temperatures reach levels that could cause frostbite on exposed skin.
Outdoor recess time is adjusted or canceled based on daily temperature conditions.
The wind chill chart is a helpful guide, but we consider all factors to make the best decision for students and staff.
We can navigate winter weather safely and effectively by working together and staying informed.