- South High
- College Composition
- Observation
Observation assignment
The Observation Essay
Write an essay of at least three full typed pages in which you observe a specific person, place, object, or event. Your goal is to show how specific, observed details create a dominant, insightful impression (feeling) about the person, place, object, or event.
Choose some limited subject—a person or small group of people, a specific place, a single object or animal, or a recurring event.
You will be graded on the following criteria:
- Creating an overall, complex (multi-dimensional) impression that is based on an insight into, interpretation of or idea about your topic.
- Use of a clear organizational strategy (chronological, spatial, or topical)
- Use of sensory details and dialogue (gathered through interviews)
- Use of description
- Use of correct spelling, punctuation, grammar, mechanics
Your final draft will be worth 50 points.
Tentative due dates:
Sept. 18 Observation tour
Sept. 20 “Soup” - Complex impression
Sept. 24 “Their First Patient” - Organizational strategy
Sept. 26 Sensory details
Sept. 30 “The Long Good-Bye”- Interviews
Oct. 2 Essay analysis
Oct. 4 Lab time
Oct. 8 Lab time
Oct. 10 Peer edit
Oct. 14 Begin next unit
Oct. 16 Paper due