Registration Instructions




    Please find the Registration Handbooks on the left sidebar. 

    Current 5th Grade, Incoming 6th graders: Register HERE starting January 17th (after registration meeting).  Registration must be completed by Friday, January 19.  Please contact Charles Caltagirone, School Counselor, with any questions at 6th Grade, Incoming 7th Graders:  Register through Infinite Campus.  Registration must be completed by Monday, January 29th. Please contact Lexi Hummert, School Counselor, with any questions at

    Current 7th Grade, Incoming 8th graders:  Register through Infinite Campus.  Registration must be completed by Monday, January 29th. Please contact Courtney Shaw, School Counselor,with any questions at  

    Current 8th Grade, Incoming 9th Graders: The Southwest Middle 8th graders will visit South High on January 9th to hear from their high school counselor about the registration process and attend a student panel.  Registration details and timeline will be sent out by South High School.    Students will join this Google Classroom for information on South High Registration.   Click HERE for a quick link to register for core classes.Informational Flyers for High School Courses:                                                                                   Journalism, FACS