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Virtual Snow Day: What to expect if we have a virtual learning day
1/8/25 - As of January 8, 2025, we have used all three snow days built into the school calendar. If a fourth snow day is needed, we will transition to virtual learning.
Virtual learning days were introduced in response to parent feedback, allowing us to avoid extending the school year once three are used. Parents and staff will be notified of any snow days or schedule changes due to weather through phone calls, text messages, and emails.
What to Expect on a Virtual Snow Day
Elementary School Schedule
The day runs from 8:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
By 8:30 a.m., teachers will post information, activities, and/or assignments for the day.
Classroom teachers will be online via Google Meet for student support from 9-10 a.m. and 1-2 p.m. Students may join during these times for clarification or additional help but attendance is not required.
Specials teachers (Art, Music, Strings and PE) will post activities or assignments by 8:30 a.m. and will also be available for questions or support from 10-11 a.m. and 12-1 p.m. on Google Meet.
EL, Gifted, Reading, Math Support Specialists, Special Educators, and Librarians will be available from 10-11 a.m. and 12-1 p.m. on Google Meet and will respond to student questions/needs via email.
Middle and High School Schedule
Follow the middle school two-hour late start schedule or high school two-hour late start schedule.
Students will access their courses through Schoology and/or Google Meet at the scheduled start time for each class.
The class schedule will follow the school calendar. For example, on a day designated for odd-numbered classes, only odd-numbered classes will meet.
Teachers will meet students on Google Meet at the start of each class to take attendance and share the learning plan.
If asynchronous learning is planned, teachers will remain available via Google Chat during that class period to support students' needs.
What to Expect on a Virtual Snow Day on Half-Day or Early Release
All students (elementary, middle and high school): Classwork will be asynchronous. By 8:30 a.m. teachers will post any information, activities, or assignments students will need for the day in Schoology. Middle school teachers, high school teachers, and teachers of elementary specials will post work for the classes scheduled to meet that day.
Teachers will be available until 11:30 am to respond to students by email. Students should email their teachers if they need clarification or additional help.
EL, Gifted, Reading, Math Support Specialists, Special Educators, and Librarians will be available via email to respond to student questions and needs.
Google Meet Resources
If you are interested in using other, more advanced features in Google Meet, Parkway has access to all of the Google Meet features listed on the Premium features page. Follow the links on the features page to go to directions for each feature.
The Help Desk is open from 7a.m. - 4:30 p.m., and can be reached at (314) 415-8181 or helpdesk@parkwayschools.net.