- Hanna Woods Elementary
- School Wide Expectations
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We believe that children learn best in a positive and caring community. In addition to the Parkway Discipline Policy, high standards of behavior are expected for the safety and well-being of all Hanna Woods students. Students are given every opportunity to learn and use good behavior. Our school-wide plan provides the structure and environment in which our children will meet the high academic standards of the Parkway School District. Our plan is based on research and makes use of effective, proactive measures, instructional strategies, positive feedback, restorative practices and logical consequences.
Without exception and regardless of the school situation, it is expected that all Hanna Woods learners are respectful, responsible, kind students who demonstrate integrity and perseverance. Expectations for student behavior are below:
· Respect yourself and others
· Be accepting of others and their differences
· Be honest at all times
· Try your very best
· Show integrity and have Tiger Pride!
Student behavior seldom requires attention beyond the classroom teacher. The principal or assistant principal is notified if behavior indicates a need for additional intervention. The principal will discuss the situation with the child. The school notifies the parents/guardians when a student's behavior is extreme and persistently requiring the principal's attention.
Please read and become familiar with Parkway Policy JK, Student Discipline, provided by the district. The district mails a copy to each student's home. Keep a copy with this student handbook for future reference. Additional copies are available from the Hanna Woods office upon request. Although the "Standards of Conduct" and the academic/behavior intervention plan defined in Policy JK, Student Discipline, applies to all students, specific consequences for violations of these standards by students with disabilities will be determined in accordance with Policy JKF, Disciplining Students with Disabilities.
Tiger Cafeteria Expectations (posted in cafeteria and reviewed often with students):
- Follow adult directions
- Stay seated and raise your hand if you need something.
- Clean up after yourself.
- Use good table manners and kind words
- Include everyone at your table.
- Do the right thing, even when no one is looking (integrity).
Tiger RECESS Expectations (posted on door to outside and reviewed with students):
- Follow adult directions
- Keep your hands and feet to yourself.
- Use kind words
- Include others in play
- Follow the rules of the game
- Do the right thing, even when no one is looking (integrity)
Tiger RESTROOM Expectations:
- Give others their privacy
- No talking or playing
- Wash your hands and throw away trash
- Do the right thing, even when no one is looking (integrity)