• Mrs. Shannan Cremeens
    2023-2024 Teacher of the Year

    Shannan Cremeens

    Shannan Cremeens, English teacher, has been selected as the 2023-2024 Teacher of the Year by her West High colleagues.  Mrs. Cremeens' core beliefs go beyond teaching English curriculum, but helping students reach their potential and learn how to function as successful members of society.  While this looks different for all individuals, helping students communicate effectively, work collaboratively with one another, and realize their potential to have an impact on society are just a few aspects she hopes to impart to all of her students.
    In Mrs. Cremeens' classroom, she strives to create a comfortable atmosphere where all students feel safe and find a sense of belonging.  As the "mom" of the department, so many classroom conversations are about helping others, being the best version of yourself, and making every space better when you leave than when you found it. She is always looking for ways to help students see the bigger picture of making the world a better place.
    Outside of school, Mrs. Cremeens is the mother of two Parkway West grads, Landon (class of 2016) and William (class of 2019), and spends spare time on the golf course (but this doesn't necessarily mean her handicap gets any lower!)  She also enjoys backpacking, exercising, reading, and spending time walking her dog, Ellie, with her husband, Vic, of 30 years. She is also an avid Mizzou sports fan.  MIZ...
    Mrs. Cremeens has been teaching at Parkway West since 2006.  She moved to St. Louis from Columbia, MO, where she started teaching at West Junior in the Columbia Public School District in 1994.  She holds a Master of Teaching certificate from Columbia College, a B.A. in Education from Columbia College, and a B.A. in English from the University of Missouri-Columbia.

    Previous Years
    Lauren Reusch
    2003-2004 Patti Campbell
    Chris Donaldson
    2002-2003 Donna Ellis
    Amie Gossett
    2001-2002 Eileen Rodríguez-Kiser
    2019-2020 Amy Van Matre-Woodward 2000-2001 Mike Pratte
    2018-2019 Emanuel Young 1999-2000 Chinkie Taussig
    2017-2018 Kristen Collins 1998-1999 Dale Shepherd
    2016-2017 Debra Klevens 1997-1998 Peggy Dersch
    2015-2016 Darla Maynard 1996-1997 Tom Conley
    2014-2015 Clifford Amen 1995-1996 Erik Hagen
    2013-2014 Amie Gossett 1994-1995 Karla Reichelt
    2012-2013 Patrick Mooney 1993-1994 Don Ribbing
    2011-2012 Mary Ann McFarland 1992-1993 Larry Stogesdill
    2010-2011 Colleen O'Toole 1991-1992 Dixie Hoyt
    2009-2010 Ruth Knop 1990-1991 Larry Matthews
    2008-2009 Aaron Hickman 1989-1990 Lane Page
    2007-2008 Tim Corteville 1988-1989 Jan Barkley
    2006-2007 Susan Dean 1987-1988 Helen Hume
    2005-2006 Steve Baxter 1986-1987 Nancy English
    2004-2005 Linda Jolly