
  • Databases:


    • Grolier Online - Contains articles from eight encyclopedia databases.
    • World Book - Online access to World Book Encyclopedia, includes, print, images, and videos.




    • Biomes of the World - Information about the 6 major biomes sponsored by the Missouri Botanical Garden.
    • Ask a Biologist - Information about biomes of the world sponsored by the ASU School of Life Sciences.  Gives an overview of biomes and then specific information about the different bioimes.
    • World Biomes - Information abouot biomes of the world sponsored by the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis.  Gives an overview of biomes and then specific information about the different biomes.
    • Earth Floor - Information about biomes of the word.  Look at an overview of the different biomes and then the plants and animals of each biome.
    • Defenders of Wildlife - Use the search bar to search for your specific biome.  Sponsored by the Defenders of Wildlife.


    Northwestern Coniferous Forest Websites:


    • Minnesota's Biomes - Talks about the coniferous forest biome found in the state of Minnesota.
    • WWF Global - Sponsored by WWF, one of the World's largest conservation organizations.  Gives an overview of the coniferous forest.