- Northeast Middle
- 6th Grade Elective Courses
Elective Course Descriptions
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6th Grade Elective Courses: Personalized Learning Pathway
BUSINESS AND TECHNOLOGY INTRO (Quarter long Course) (036543)
Grade: 6
Prerequisite: None
Being an involved and responsible member of our ever-changing society requires a strong understanding and use of technology, communication, and collaboration skills. Business and Technology Intro’s introductory course teaches students the basics of entrepreneurship using business concepts and theories, digital citizenship, and an introduction to coding, game development and digital storytelling in a hands-on manner. Students will leave this course with the ability to make safe, smart, and ethical decisions online; think critically and creatively; be financially aware and responsible; lead confidently with an entrepreneurial spirit; and understand the value of teamwork.
ENGINEERING ENDEAVOR (Quarter long Course) (106543)
Grade: 6
Prerequisite: None
Come and be a part of the Endeavor with an introduction to the engineering world. In this course, students explore the world of engineering and how the design process can be utilized to solve various problems. Students will complete multiple problem based learning activities that will introduce them to designing, building, and modeling projects all while using modern tools and software. Students will be introduced to engineering careers, concepts of three dimensional design, 3D printing, measurement and multiple uses of tools in order to solve problems. There is a $5 course fee for this course.
EXPLORING THEATRE (Quarter long Course) (056543)
Grade: 6
Prerequisite: None
Here’s your ticket to explore the world of theatre! Discover what happens onstage and use your own backstage pass to experience the inner workings of theatrical life. In this course, students will build a collaborative community, learn how to develop characters and storylines, and create designs for a production.
Grade: 6
Prerequisite: None
Ready, Set, Explore FACS! This class will explore the careers related to Human Services, Hospitality & Tourism, Education and Training, and Apparel & Textile Design while giving students the opportunity to build communication, collaboration, and critical thinking skills. This project based class includes career exploration related to cooking, sewing, planning, goal setting & teaching, along with other Helping Careers and Health Science Pathways. There is a $5 course fee for this course.
VISUAL ARTS DISCOVERY (Quarter long Course) (026643)
Grade: 6
Prerequisite: None
Discover the world of art and design through art making using a wide variety of materials, study of cultures, and self reflection. Students will develop innovative and creative problem solving, as well as critical thinking skills by seeking multiple solutions to artistic problems.
MusicBEGINNING BAND (Year-long Course) (126503)
Grade: 6
Prerequisite: None
Beginning Band is designed for the first year band student. Emphasis will be placed on the development of playing skills, music reading, and ensemble performance techniques. Instrumentation may need to be controlled by the director in order to have an acceptable balance of a sound. Attendance is required at all rehearsals and performances. Scholars are required to have an instrument (either own or rent).
Beginning Band, Flute
Beginning Band, Clarinet
Beginning Band, Alto Saxophone
Beginning Band, Trumpet
Beginning Band, French Horn
Beginning Band, Trombone
Beginning Band, Baritone
Beginning Band, Bells/Percussion
CHOIR (Year-long Course) (126703)
Grade: 6
Prerequisite: None
Sixth Grade Choir is open to all sixth grade students who wish to improve their ability to sing. Various styles of music will be studied with an emphasis on music reading and part singing. Student skills in vocal production, general musicianship, and concert etiquette will be developed. This choir will perform in concerts throughout the year. Attendance is required at all concerts.
ORCHESTRA (Year-long Course) (126603)
Grade: 6
Prerequisite: Prior 5th grade experience or approval of instructor
The 6th Grade Orchestra continues to develop personal technical and performance skills for continuing string students within the ensemble. Emphasis is placed on the development of listening skills, improved intonation, balance and blend, and tone quality. Proficiency is increased in music reading, analysis, and interpretation. A wide variety of orchestral repertoire is presented from many styles. Instruments are required for daily practice and all performances. Attendance is required at rehearsals and concerts. Scholars are required to have an instrument (either own or rent).
CADET STRINGS (Year-long Course) (126613)
Grades: 6-8
Prerequisite: None
This course is designed for beginning students and students who took strings in elementary school but didn’t take a full 3 years or and/or the full year of 5th grade orchestra. Students who don’t have the required experience or otherwise recommended for the class should be directed into the concertino orchestra. The course will cover beginning Level strings technique including proper posture positioning, how to hold the bow, playing in first position, identifying notes on the staff, basic tone production, instrument care and maintenance, and beginning ensemble skills. Regardless of experience, there will be no expectation of experience and instruction will begin from the very beginning of learning to play a string instrument. Like our 3rd grade beginning strings class, this class will only perform once, on the final concert of the year. Scholars are required to have an instrument (either own or rent).