• The Academies at Central Middle: Design

  • Our Mission:
    Through self-direction, students in DESIGN Academy will co-design and create their learning experience. Using inquiry, creativity, problem-solving, communication and collaboration, students will apply learning to real-world problems and projects. 

    We are:

    • Inclusive of all abilities 
    • Collaborative/Co-Creators 
    • Aligned with Parkway and MO State Standards
    • Group and Individualized Instruction
    • A unique way to show mastery and learning
    • Help students prepare for high school and real life
    • Problem solvers and co-designers of authentic learning

    Is the design academy right for you?

    • Could you contribute to a learning environment that values collaboration, community, and celebration of growth? 
    • Do you have a desire to take risks and dive deeply into a concept, idea, or question?
    • Are you motivated by curiosity, creativity, choice, flexibility and personal growth?
    • Are you willing to jump into the role of a co-creator of your learning experiences within the curriculum?
    • Do you feel deeply about issues and problems around you in your classroom, school, and community? Are you moved to develop new solutions?
  • Parent Night Presentation


    Mrs. Juli Raymond

    Ms. Abigail Schneider

    Mr. Ryan Boeckman

    Mrs. Tereasa Gassel
    English Language Arts

    Mrs. Julia Fisch
    English Language Arts

Sample Design Schedule