Databases A-Z

    Academic Search Elite

    Academic Search Elite

    Contains full text for more than 2,100 journals; nearly 150 journals have PDF images dating back to 1985.


    Academic Search Elite

    Ancestry Classroom

    AncestryClassroom™ offers free access to all the original and primary documents of Ancestry's collections for use in the classroom.


    Black Freedom Struggle in the United States

    Black Freedom Struggle in the United States

    This website focuses on Black Freedom and features select primary source documents related to critical people and events in African American history.


    Bloom's Literature

    Bloom's Literature

    Reference essays and literary criticism examine the lives of great authors and their works.


    Consumer Health Complete

    Consumer Health Complete

    Content covers health and wellness from mainstream medicine to complementary, holistic, and integrated medicine. It includes the Clinical Reference System and the Lexi-PAL Drug Guide.


    Discovery Education

    Discovery Education

    Educational videos, images, audio clips, resource materials, and much more to meet your digital and media needs.




    Students can research topics in a variety of subject areas by source type: magazines, newspapers, reference books, primary sources, biographies, photos, and more.


    Financial Times

    Financial Times

    The Financial Times is a daily newspaper published digitally that focuses on business and economic current affairs. Students ages 16 and up can create an account to access the newspaper.


    Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia

    Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia

    Over 25,000 full-text records, covering an array of topics. The database contains various images and offers brief biographies as well as information in a variety of subject areas.


    Gale: Cameron's Collection

    Gale: Cameron's Collection

    Created in collaboration with the Cameron K. Gallagher Foundation, Cameron’s Collection on Gale eBooks provides targeted guidance on sensitive teen issues for students, teachers, and counselors. These titles are available in the library or remotely 24/7, allowing students to access what they need anytime and on their own devices. Helping students cope with everyday stressors and stay in the present moment through mindfulness are the core foundations of this collection.


    Gale in Context: Global Issues

    Gale in Context: Global Issues

    International viewpoints on a broad spectrum of global issues, topics, and current events.


    Gale in Context: High School

    Gale in Context: High School

    Broad coverage of diverse topics. It includes biographies, science, history, literature, geography, and more.


    Gale in Context: U.S History

    Gale in Context: U.S History

    Covers people and events of historical significance in American history from Pre-Columbian America forward. Content includes primary source material.


    Gale in Context: World History

    Gale in Context: World History

    Collection of primary sources, reference works, and scholarly journals providing materials for the study of World History.


    Gale E-Books

    Gale E-Books

    Over 35 encyclopedias and other reference books covering a wide range of subjects.


    Heritage Quest Online

    Heritage Quest Online

    A collection of American genealogical sources. It includes Federal Census data, Revolutionary War records, Freedman's Bank Records, and more.


    Issues & Controversies

    Issues & Controversies

    Provides in-depth and objective coverage of issues impacting today's society.




    Full-text back files of over 1000 scholarly journals; there is a gap of 2-5 years between the date of publication and the appearance of JSTOR.


    Learning Express Library

    Learning Express Library

    Provides practice tests and online courses to help students, recent immigrants, and job seekers. Practice tests include the SAT, ACT, GRE, Civil Service, Citizenship Exam, and TOEFL.


    MAS Ultra

    MAS Ultra

    Designed specifically for high school libraries, this database contains full-text resources for nearly 500 popular high school magazines.


    MasterFILE Premier

    MasterFILE Premier

    Provides full-text access to periodicals covering a variety of topics. It includes content from reference books, biographies, primary source documents, and an image collection.


    The New York Times

    The New York Times

    This link provides free access to articles from The New York Times newspaper.


    The New York Times: Time Machine

    The New York Times: Time Machine

    This link provides free access to articles from The New York Times newspaper archives from 1851-2002


    Newspaper Source

    Newspaper Source

    Provides cover-to-cover full text for over 40 U.S. & international newspapers, and selective full text for 389 regional U.S. newspapers. TV & radio news transcripts are also provided.


    Pew Research Center

    Pew Research Center

    Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping the world. It conducts public opinion polling, demographic research, content analysis and other data-driven social science research.


    Science Reference Center

    Science Reference Center

    Contains full text for hundreds of science encyclopedias, reference books, and periodicals. Topics covered: biology, chemistry, health & medicine, physics, technology, and more.


    SIRS Issues Researcher

    SIRS Issues Researcher

    Delivers the pros and cons of today's complex social issues.


    St. Louis American

    St. Louis American

    Published continuously since 1928, The St. Louis American is a weekly newspaper focused on serving the African American community in St. Louis, Missouri. The St. Louis American is the largest weekly newspaper in the state of Missouri.


    St. Louis Post Dispatch

    St. Louis Post Dispatch

    Established in 1878, The St. Louis Post Dispatch is the St. Louis metropolitan area's largest circulating newspaper and has won 19 Pulitzer prizes.


    World Advanced

    World Book Advanced

    World Book Advanced is a powerful reference tool that includes full encyclopedic and multimedia databases supplemented with online books, primary sources, website links, Back in Time articles, special reports and more.


    World Book Student

    World Book Student

    Student includes translations to 100+ languages, a Biography Center, current events, research guides, and seamless integration with Google Classroom and Microsoft OneDrive, Maps, and more.


    World Book Timelines

    World Book Timelines

    Timelines offer hundreds of pre-generated timelines across eight broad topics, which cover various time periods in history or span the lives of historical public figures. Users can also create their own timelines from scratch, adding events, descriptions, and media.


    Enciclopedia Estudiantil Hallazgos

    Enciclopedia Estudiantil Hallazgos

    Browse features provide visual prompts, and bilingual features allow students to toggle between Spanish and English text. The site includes concise articles, videos, maps and more activities.