Participating in clubs, sports, and organizations after school is a way to meet new friends, develop talents, and learn leadership skills.  Students are encouraged to join one or more of the variety of clubs at Parkway South.  Many activities have a long tradition, while others have been formed more recently to meet the students’ needs and interests.  Any student or staff member who wishes to form a new club may pick up an application in Student Activities.  Students need to be in good standing academically, behaviorally, and regarding attendance.  Participation in extracurricular activities is a privilege and may be revoked.


    Students interested in joining a club should speak to the club sponsor for meeting dates, times and other information.




    AMERICAN FOREIGN SERVICE INTERCULTURAL PROGRAM (AFS) (Jillian Baldwin-Kim, Room 2200) Participating students enjoy school trips, support global education, host yearlong students and short-term exchange students.


    ART CLUB (Tracy Parkhurst, Room 1228 ) Art club is a chance to meet a like minded group of people who love drawing and sketching. This is a space for students to explore their own artwork of choice opposed to teacher directed projects. We can supply you with materials and space to create and interact with creative peers with similar interests. From time to time we work on murals around the school.  Meetings are held on Wednesdays from 2:30-3:30pm.


    ASIAN BASED CELEBRATION (Dana Moore, room 2201) This club will strive to create an inclusive and diverse community to raise awareness of other ethnicities and to increase overall togetherness. We will meet during Ac Lab, Mod 1 twice per month.


    BEST BUDDIES (Jen Holzschuh, Room 2429) Establish diversity through opportunities for one to one friendships, and leadership development for individuals with and without intellectual and developmental disabilities.  Meetings are held once per month.


    BETA CHI PI (Kathy Scheff, Room 3703) Beta Chi Pi is a nationally recognized Science Honor Society.  Membership is determined by outstanding academic achievement in science coursework and individual research.  Beta Chi Pi accepts membership applications during early September and mid February.  Meetings are held one Wednesday per month.


    CIVISIGHT (Amy Hubbard, Room 1310) This is a club that focuses on government, law, political science, and even a little bit of psychology. It is run by students for students. We meet during the last Wednesday Ac Lab of each month, and every Tuesday after school.


    CLASS SPONSORS While not a club, class sponsors facilitate activities specific to each grade level.  Please see your class sponsor if you are interested in planning and participating in activities.  Freshman; Max Mittler, Sophomore; Brionne Smith, Junior; Eric Wilhelm, Senior; Jenn Sebold.


    COMPUTER SCIENCE CLUB (John Heath, Room 2516) In this club our goal is to develop skills and interests related to the computer science industry.  We meet during second semester only.


    COMPUTER SCIENCE HONORS SOCIETY (Jon Merz, Room 2515) This is a club for students to explore different career paths of computer science and develop skills. 


    CREATIVE CREW-MAKERSPACE CLUB (Katie Pendleton/Dawn Murray, Library) We will use library Makerspace materials including the 3D printer to design and create. Meetings will be held one time a month on Wednesdays.


    DECA (Amy Boscan/John Barnabee, Room 2519) An Association of Marketing Students, DECA is a national organization representing over 170,000 students.  DECA provides avenues for personal and professional development in the areas of leadership, community service and career development through district, state and national competitions.  Students must be Sophomores, Juniors or Seniors and currently enrolled in Marketing 1 or Marketing 2.  We meet two times per month and travel out of state four times.  


    FASHION CLUB (Ashley Winslow, Room 1503)  If you enjoy creating, designing, and appreciating fashion, we are the club for you!  In this club we plan fun activities, projects, community service, and field trips!  Come check it out in room 1503.  Join our Google Classroom for more information about meetings:  3oxyawz  


    FACS CLUB (Evalyn Petty/Ashley Winslow/Monica Dickens, Room 1503, 1506, 0r 1513) Do you love to cook?  Do-It-Yourself Projects? Community Service? Fun exercise? This club meets during Ac Lab Mods 1 and 2 once per month after school.  Join our Google Classroom for more information and when/where to sign up during ac lab:  vobbfzq


    FELLOWSHIP OF CHRISTIAN ATHLETES (FCA) (Justin Flack, Room 2702) FCA is where athletes and coaches connect and grow in their sport and in their faith in Jesus Christ. Meetings are before school every other Wednesday at 7:05am. We also have Monday morning prayer every other week at 7:15am in room 3413.


    FEMPOWERMENT (Nicole Daniels, Room 1543) To promote discussion and social activism in regards to gender inequalities in society.  We meet once per month.


    FUTURE BUSINESS LEADERS OF AMERICA (FBLA) (Amy Boscan, Room 2519) FBLA is an opportunity for members to develop vocational and career competency in the business field as well as promote civic and personal responsibilities.  FBLA meets once per month during Ac Lab, field trips for competitions, and after school for social gatherings.  


    GARDENING CLUB (Amy Boscan, Room 2519)  Our goal is to clean up and decorate South’s inside and outside planting spaces.  We also aim to educate members and others about gardening and plants in general, and prepare for a service day.  


    GENDER/SEXUALITY ALLIANCE (GSA) (Stacey Larson/Sarah Zickler, Room 1227) Our purpose is to create a safe space for LGBTQ+ students as well as promote acceptance and celebration through education and peaceful activism. We meet every Tuesday.


    GLAMOUR GIRLS (Lisa Giljum-Jansky, Room 2410)  Students will visit nursing homes to talk to patients while painting their nails and giving makeovers.  We meet 1-2 times a semester during Ac Lab. Visits are usually one Saturday per month.


    HIGH SCHOOL HEROS (Dani Whitcher, Room 2409) This program is part of PATH, a district wide prevention program.  Students will be trained and then go to the middle schools and teach 6th graders the dangers of smoking.  We meet during 2nd semester only.


    INTERNATIONAL THESPIAN SOCIETY Troupe 3168 (Jennifer Forrest-James, Room 1101) The International Thespian Society (ITS) is the serious theatre student’s honorary society where students are rewarded for their commitment to the art form.  Troupe 3168 attends productions of other troupes, organizes socials, and attends the state and national events.  Meetings are held monthly.  Schedule and links will be posted on Google Classroom.


    KEY CLUB (Mike Hachmeister, Room 2217) An international community service organization built around the concept of caring and serving others. We will do a multitude of service projects throughout the year.  Meetings are held the third Wednesday of each month.


    KNITTING CLUB (Julie Mazdra/Carly Hampton, Room 2008) If you enjoy knitting or would like to learn how to knit, this club is for you!  This club meets weekly on Fridays during Ac Lab.


    LATIN CLUB (Jason Tiearney, Room 2213) The Latin Club’s main purpose is spreading awareness of Latin to those who don’t really know about it and further enhance those who already study it.  They have plans for field trips, school-sponsored activities, and Latin-themed games.  There will also be opportunities for tutoring. We meet on Tuesdays twice per month.  


    LIBRARY CLUB (Dawn Murray and Katie Pendleton, Library) Members will run contests, lead book clubs, help with Makerspace activities, and more! If you like to read, lead, and create, join us once a month in the Library Club!  Meetings are once a month on Wednesdays.


    MEDICAL SCIENCE CLUB (Katarina DeLuca, Room 3706) To inform and prepare those interested in going into the medical field and to get more people interested in joining the medical field.  Meetings are once per month.


    MU ALPHA THETA (Allison MacDonald/Staci Noyes, Room 1704 and 1711) Mu Alpha Theta focuses on competing in after school math competitions.  Students compete in the Missouri Math League, Atlantic-Pacific Math League, and Calculus Math League after school contests.  Contests are held on Thursdays throughout the year.  All students are welcome. Contact Mrs. MacDonald for more information.


    MUSLIM STUDENT ASSOCIATION (Whitney Wilhelm, Room 2200) Our group meets monthly during Ac Lab to educate students about being Muslim and talk about issues surrounding Muslims. MSA also hosts a few after school celebrations for special holidays such as Ramadan and Eid as well as the annual MSA skating event.


    NATIONAL ART HONOR SOCIETY (Eric Ludlow, Room 1233) This club is for art students that have been recommended based on art scholarship, service, and character.  The students participate in service projects for the school and the community.  Students may also take field trips to artist’s studios, galleries and exhibits. Meetings are held weekly on Thursdays after school.

    NATIONAL SPEECH AND DEBATE ASSOC (Michael Hachmeister/Heather Vaughn, Room 2217) Members compete with actors, debaters and speakers from other schools; however, the focus centers on performance skills and the thrill of participation. Competition is open to all eligible through MSHSAA guidelines and membership in the national honorary is earned through tournament participation.  Practices are held after school through appointments with the coaches; students may choose to begin to compete at any time during the fall or early winter.  We meet on Tuesdays every week November through March.

    NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY (Scott Degitz-Fries, Room 1710)  Membership in National Honor Society (NHS) is by invitation only. Students are invited to join NHS during the spring of their Sophomore or Junior years if they have a minimum 3.6 cumulative GPA. Invitations arrive through each student's school email account in late February / early March. Applications need to show that students demonstrate all 4 of the pillars of NHS: scholarship, leadership, character, & service. Applications are evaluated by the NHS sponsor, administration, & a team of teachers. Accepted students are inducted in April. Meetings are held once a month usually on the second Friday during Mod 1 of Academic Lab. Students are required to attend all meetings and complete a minimum of 20 service hours per year to earn the NHS honor cord for graduation.


    NEWSPAPER (Gavin Brady, Room 1537) South’s number one publication, The Treaty, is created and published by students who have an interest and aptitude in writing, photography, art, and business.  Students publish their work on the online newspaper, www.psouthtreaty.com.  See your counselor to sign up for this class.


    PATRIOT REPRESENTATIVES (PREPS) (Eric Wilhelm/Jenny Nelson, Student Activities) Patriot Representatives is a student organization that works to acknowledge the educational achievements, outstanding contributions, and citizenship of students and staff members through a process of recognition, reinforcement and reward.  Class officers are elected by students in their respective class.  All students are invited to participate as general members.  Special projects include Homecoming, Mr. Patriot, Academic Assembly, and much more. 


    PEER TEACHING (Dave McFarland) This program is a Parkway School District prevention program.  High school Junior and Senior students are trained to introduce topics about decision making and self-esteem to seventh grade classrooms.  The peer teachers present the program at Southwest Middle School or South Middle School. 


    PHOTOGRAPHY CLUB (Sarah Zickler, Room 1223) This club seeks to provide a creative outlet and learning opportunity for students interested in learning more about photography.  We will meet every Wednesday after school.


    ROBOTICS-FIRST TECH CHALLENGE (Brian Oakley, Room 1528) The robotics team competes in the national FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC) robotics competition.   Students design, build, program, test, improve and compete with a robot for that year’s major game.  Participation on Robotics Team also includes outreach to promote robotics participation, both at our school and within the district.  All students are welcome to participate.  We will meet Wednesdays and Thursdays from 2:30-4:30pm.


    SCHOLAR BOWL (Academic Team) (Scott Degitz-Fries/Allison MacDonald, Room 1710) Scholar Bowl students will compete in contests that emphasize all areas of trivia.  Anyone who enjoys Jeopardy or Trivial Pursuit would love Scholar Bowl!  Open to all grades and all levels of experience and knowledge.  Meetings are every Monday after school from 2:30-3:30pm.   


    SCIENCE OLYMPIAD (Sergey Zinovchik/Meghan Stewart, Room 3413) Our goal is to compete in state and nationwide science competitions and to encourage engagements with students.  We will meet once per month.


    SIXTH GRADE OUTDOOR SCHOOL COUNSELOR (Counseling office) South students recommended by the faculty serve as counselors for sixth graders at a week long camp experience.


    SOUTH ASIAN STUDENT ASSOCIATION (SASA) (Emily Pagano/Room 2407) Our purpose is to support different South Asian cultures.  We want to unite and educate others on this culture through activities and events.  We meet quarterly during Ac Lab.


    SPANISH CLUB (Jule Mazdra, Room 2208) In this club we will delve into Spanish/Latin culture first hand. We welcome anyone who wants to learn more about everyday Spanish speaking culture. We will meet every other Thursday.


    SPECIAL OLYMPICS (Eric Wilhelm, Room 1000) South High hosts a basketball tournament yearly with the assistance of Special Olympics Missouri.  South High students serve as natural supports (buddies) to enable students with disabilities to participate in a variety of basketball based games, depending on the physical/cognitive ability of the Special Olympics athlete.  The games are conducted in both Gym A and C while Gym B hosts games/crafts/activities.  Each PSH student will leave the day with a shirt, lunch, and most importantly, the opportunity to serve and spend the day with a Special athlete!  We will have a few meetings after school to prepare for the event in February.


    STEP Team (Rho Sigma Delta) (Gina Covington-James) STEP Team is a fun, energetic, and exciting national competition team that is made up of students from the four Parkway high schools.  We practice over the weekend and welcome anyone who would like to join us!  Tryouts will be sometime in April.


    SUPER JOEY YOUTH VOLUNTEER PARKWAY SOUTH (Julie Mazdra, Room 2208) Our purpose is to love, encourage and help the children and their families who are still fighting cancer through volunteering and fundraising opportunities.  We will meet the first Tuesday of every month.


    TEENS TEACH TECHNOLOGY (Dawn Murray/Katie Pendleton, Library) Our purpose is to teach technology to senior citizens so they aren’t so isolated. We will meet once per month during Ac Lab.


    THE TRUTH IS THE YOUTH (Evalyn Petty/Room 1513) Our purpose is to connect with elementary school students and to be role models for them. We will read, play games, engage in sports, offer academic help, and have ice breaker activities. We will meet Ac Lab Mod 3 of the first Wednesday of each month, and after school the last Wednesday of each month.


    THRIFTING AND UPCYCLING CLUB (Ashley Winslow, Room 1503) This club is designed to teach each other more sustainable shopping habits and mending practices revolving around clothes and fashion. Meetings will be held on Tuesdays. 


    TVC-TEEN VOICE FOR CHANGE (Whitney Wilhelm, Room 2200) Teen Voice for Change is a teen-led club that focuses on community service projects and alcohol and drug abuse prevention. Join the TVC Google Classroom for meeting and activity info: hduewcm.


    UNICEF (Stephanie Vences, Room 2202) Humanitarian effort, non-profit, raising money for awareness, fundraising.  Meeting times vary.  Please see Mrs. Vences for more information.


    WATER 1ST INTERNATIONAL (Emily Pagano, Room 2407) Our purpose is to fundraise and create awareness concerning water equity.  


    YEARBOOK (Gavin Brady, Room 1537) The Declaration staff captures the memories at South High in pictures and words and publishes them in a book. See your counselor to sign up for this class.