• Parkway Class Reunions

    NOTE: Please update your contact information with the PAA so reunion planners can contact you! Otherwise, you might miss communications relevant to your class reunion.

    The PAA is happy to assist reunion planners by providing contact information and general guidance on having a successful event. We would also be available to provide volunteers to man the registration table at your event.  Please call the PAA at (314) 415-8074 or email ParkwayAlumni@ParkwaySchools.net, to learn more.

    If your class will be holding a reunion soon, please encourage your classmates (or class reunion representative) to make a donation to the PAA. The association is a nonprofit organization that helps keep communication avenues open for more than 85,000 graduates!

    PAA can help you design a t-shirt or other personalized swag for your reunion.  We have partnered with Baked T's, a t-shirt shop owned by a Parkway alum in St. Louis, to offer an online apparel store where items can be purchased by your classmates and shipped anywhere in the world.  Proceeds from the sales of these items fund PAA programs that encourage communication among alumni and foster programs which serve and support the Parkway community.

    Also, please send a few photos of your event to the PAA for the newsletter! Photos of small groups are best, with faces clearly featured. Photos of large groups are often difficult to use because faces are too small to identify easily. Send photos to ParkwayAlumni@parkwayschools.net.

    Scheduled Reunions
    Although we would like to provide information about every Parkway class reunion, not all reunion planners notify the PAA about their events. If you don't see an upcoming reunion for your class in the following list and it's within one year of a reunion anniversary (5 years, 10 years, etc.), please contact the PAA.

    •North Class of '94...Join us to celebrate our 30th class reunion!  Fri. September 6th - Tour of the high school before the home football game.  The fun will continue afterwards at Westport Social.  Check the following event page for up-to-date details. https://fb.me/e/1UgM5Atc4  Sat. September 7th - Class of 1994 takes over Bootleggin tavern! $55/ticket Purchase tickets at https://ticketscandy.com/e/pnh-class-of-94-class-reunion-5579  Up-to-date details for the reunion weekend can be found at https://fb.me/e/1UgM5Atc4
    Please help us with the slide show and add pictures from then and now to the shared album:  https://photos.app.goo.gl/7xAeXJ7rDScg6Kiz9

    •North Class of '84...Join us for our 40th year reunion!  Mark your calendar for Saturday, September 21, Train Wreck at Westport, 6:00pm.  Cash Bar 

    •South Class of '85... Destination Reunion!  The Class of 1985 is hosting their class reunion in Scottsdale, Arizona on May 1 - 4, 2025.  PSH Classes of 1984 and 1986 are welcome to join in the festivities. 

    Host Resort: The Scottsdale Plaza Resort, Scottsdale, Arizona

    The Lineup:
    **"South is Super" Happy Hour**
    **From Hanna Rd to Scottsdale Rd - Old Town Takeover**
    **Patriot Pool Party**
    **The Wild Wild South - Sunset Cookout in the Sonoran**
    **Red-White-Blue Martini - The After Party**  
    **The Plaza Spa & Day Salon (daily appointments)**

    The Weekend Hall Pass = $250.00

    Check out the website www.PSouthxSouthwest2025.com for further information.  

    Central Class of '14...Hard to believe it has been ten years!  Join us on Saturday, November 30 from 5-9pm at Andres West.  Click here for more information and to use the QR code to purchase tickets.

    Central Class of '04... Join us for our 20th reunion!! Saturday, November 30th at 7 p.m. at 4 Hands at the District (17081 N Outer 40 Rd, Chesterfield MO). Please join our Facebook Page "Parkway Central Class of 2004 Reunion!" and RSVP "Yes" or e-mail questions to PCHCOLTS2004@gmail.com. FREE to attend! Drinks and food available for purchase. Hope to see you there and please spread the word to our classmates!!

    •Central Class of '09...Mark your calendar for August 3 • Rockwell Beer Garden • 6-9pm.  Register and more information at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/870645422897?aff=oddtdtcreator 

    •North Class of '74...Join us for our 50th reunion! We will be celebrating the evenings of September 27th and 28th, 2024. For more details, please email us at parkwaynorth1974reunion@gmail.com or join our Facebook page PNHS 1974 Reunion,https://www.facebook.com/groups/172661019560854/

    Friday, September 27, 2024...6:30-10 pm
    Cost is $20 per person
    AC Hotel by Marriott St. Louis Chesterfield
    16461 Wild Horse Creek Road, Chesterfield, MO 63017
    Saturday, September 28, 2024...6:30-11:30 pm
    Cost is $20 per person
    The Cheshire St. Louis
    6300 Clayton Road, St. Louis MO 63117

    Here’s the link to Register and Pay:  PN'74 50th Reunion Registration/Payment

    Here’s the link to reserve rooms at the AC Hotel:  Marriott Hotel Reservations

    Here’s the link to reserve rooms at The Cheshire:  The Cheshire Reservations

    •West Class of '84...Save the date Longhorns! Parkway West Class of 1984 is having our 40th reunion Sept 27-28, 2024. Friday night will be at Llywellyn's Pub in Webster Groves from 7-?. Saturday, we will gather at Kirkwood Park for class pictures, then head to Sunset 44 Restaurant from 6-?. Please send your email update to pw1984reunion@gmail.com or request to join our FB group Parkway West Class of 1984 Reunion Information Page. If you have any questions, please contact us through the above email address. 

    •South Class of '94...30th Reunion! July 26 and 27, 2024.  Cocktail Party at Naked Spirits Distillery on Friday night and an All-Inclusive Baseball Game on Saturday night, Cardinals vs Washington Nationals. Contact Janica McEndollar at 314-504-4623 or psh94alumni@gmail.com.

    •Central Class of '74...Join us for our 50th reunion the weekend of September 27-28th, 2024!  Friday night 6PM Mixer: Creve Coeur Lakehouse Bar and Grill.   Saturday night 6PM Reunion, Meadowbrook Country Club: 200 Meadowbrook Country Club Estates, Ballwin, MO  63011
    Register for the reunion online at eventcreate.com/e/parkwaycentral74 

    •West Class of '74...has a 50th reunion happening on September 20-21, 2024.   Happy Hour/Gathering on Friday evening, a school tour on Saturday and a dinner with a DJ and dancing on Saturday night. Contact us at ParkwayWest1974@gmail.com for more information.

Last Modified on August 22, 2024