• About Us

    McKelvey PTO Mission Statement

    The purpose of the PTO is to support and enhance the education of McKelvey students. 

    The objectives of the organization are:

    1. To serve as a forum for communication among parents, teachers and administrators.  PTO encourages a positive, supportive atmosphere to enhance students' educational, social and extracurricular experiences.
    2. To assist in identifying and organizing parent volunteers to support school activities. 
    3.  To plan, organize, and execute fundraising events each school year.  Fundraising support will be provided to support teachers and student programs not covered by the school district.  In addition, PTO will provide funding for select improvement projects for McKelvey School, with the approval and consent of the McKelvey principal.

    Our Biggest Goal this year is to have an increase in Communication, Inclusion, Collaboration, and Involvement.

    For more information about our PTO, please email mckelveypto@gmail.com.


    Executive Board Members

    School Principal (McKelvey Primary) | Dr. Christina Pliske  

    School Principal (McKelvey Intermediate) | Scott Wilkerson

    President | Michelle Kilper

    Vice President | Amy McCall

    Co-Treasurer | Dan Mueller

    Co-Treasurer | Gabriel Bell

    Co-Treasurer | Donna Madden

    Recording & Corresponding Secretary | Nikki Goodwin

    Teacher Representative | Glenda Petrofsky