- McKelvey Intermediate
- Bylaws
McKelvey School PTO Bylaws
Click here for a printable formatArticle I: McKelvey School PTO ("PTO")
The name of this organization is the McKelvey School PTO ("PTO"), located in Maryland Heights, Missouri. It is a local parent and teacher organization in the Parkway School District.
Article II: Articles of Organization
The organization exists as a subchapter of the incorporated Parkway School District Parent-Teacher Organization Council, a non profit, section 501(C) (3) organization. Its "articles of organization" comprise these bylaws, as from time to time amended, and its articles of organization, if any. In the absence of separate articles of organization, the bylaws shall be deemed to be the articles of organization. In the event of any conflict between these bylaws and the articles of organization, these bylaws shall govern.
Article III: Objectives
The purpose of the PTO is to support and enhance the education of McKelvey students. The Objectives of the organization are:
- To serve as a forum for communication among parents, teachers and administrators. PTO encourages a positive, supportive atmosphere to enhance students' educational, social and extracurricular experiences.
- To assist in identifying and organizing parent volunteers to support school activities.
- To plan, organize, and execute fundraising events each school year. Fundraising support will be provided to support teachers and student programs not covered by the school district. In addition, PTO will provide funding for select improvement projects for McKelvey School, with the approval and consent of the McKelvey principal.
Article IV: Basic Policies
The following are basic policies of this organization:
- The organization shall be noncommercial, nonsectarian, and nonpartisan.
- The name of the organization or the names of any members in their official capacities shall not be used in any connection with a commercial concern or with any partisan interest or for any purpose not appropriately related to promotion of the Objectives of the organization.
- The organization shall reserve the right to: rally/organize parents, teachers, and students for the betterment of McKelvey School and its students. Endorsement of political candidates shall be prohibited.
- The organization shall cooperate with the school to support the improvement of education in ways that will not interfere with the administration of the school and shall not seek to control its policies.
- The organization may cooperate with other organizations and agencies concerned with child welfare, but persons representing the organization in such matters shall make no commitments that bind the organization.
- In the event of the dissolution of the organization, its assets shall be distributed to McKelvey Elementary School for the benefit of its students in accordance with Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 as from time to time amended.
Article V: Membership and Dues
Section 1. Membership. All parents and guardians of children currently registered at Mckelvey Elementary School, and faculty and staff are automatically members of the PTO, so long as they subscribe to the Objectives and basic policies of this organization, subject only to compliance with the provisions of the bylaws. Membership in this organization shall be available without regard to race, color, creed, or national origin.
Section 2. Dues. No membership dues are required by any member of this organization.
Section 3. Membership Privileges. All members have the privilege to attend and vote at meetings, make motions, participate in discussions, serve on a committee or hold office.
Article VI: Officers and Their Election
Section 1. Officers.
- The officers of this organization shall consist of a president, vice president, a recording secretary, and a treasurer. The board may also include a corresponding secretary. The positions of president, vice president, and treasurer can be co-chaired. An officer cannot serve in more than one position. An officer must be the parent or official guardian of a child enrolled at McKelvey Elementary.
- Officers, other than the treasurer(s) shall assume their official duties after the May PTO meeting of the school year in progress and shall serve for a term of one year and until the election and qualification of their successors. The treasurer(s) shall assume their official duties upon receipt of all official treasurer materials, but no later than one week prior to the beginning of the following school year.
- A person shall not be eligible to serve more than two consecutive terms in the same office. However, an officer may continue in her/his position after her/his term expires if a qualified replacement cannot be found.
Section 2. Vacancies and Removal from Office
- If an officer is unable or unwilling to fulfill his/her term, written notice shall be given to the Executive Board. The Executive Board, by majority vote, will replace the officer until an election of the general membership can be held, with proper notification to the membership. In case a vacancy occurs in the office of the president, the vice president shall assume the remaining term and her/his office will be filled by vote of the majority of the Executive Board.
- The Executive Board shall retain the right to replace any Executive Board member in the event of negligence of duty, improper behavior, and/or excessive absenteeism, should such absence impede the operation of the Organization. Improper behavior by an Executive Board member while representing the PTO during PTO activities (events, meetings, membership drives, etc.) which would bring discredit to the Organization shall be grounds for disciplinary action. Improper behavior shall include but not be limited to:
- attempted personal use or misuse of Executive Board appointment to influence school system employees, commercial concerns, government employees, or general public
- misuse of funds
- discussion of sensitive or derogatory issues in the presence of the general membership or public
- rude or irresponsible behavior that could offend or harm others.
Section 3. Nominations and Elections.
- A nominating committee shall be formed prior to March 1 of each school year for the purpose of ensuring each office has at least one nominee. The committee members shall be appointed by the Executive Board.
- The slate of nominees, who have consented to be nominated, shall be presented to the general membership prior to the election. The election will be held at the April meeting. In addition, nominations can be taken from the floor prior to voting. Voting shall be by voice vote if a slate is presented. For any positions where more than one person is running, a ballot vote shall be taken. The officers shall be elected by a majority vote.
Article VII: Duties of Officers
Section 1. President. The president(s) shall preside at all meetings of the organization and of the Executive Board at which he/she may be present; shall appoint the chairmen of all committees; have general supervision over the interests of the organization and be an ex-officio member of all committees; shall cooperate with the Principals and maintain a supportive relationship between the school and the PTO; shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed in these bylaws or assigned to him/her by the organization or by the Executive Board; and shall coordinate the work of the officers and committees of the organization in order that the Objectives may be promoted. The president(s) shall not have voting privileges during general meetings of the organization, with the exception of casting the deciding vote in the event of a tie.
Section 2. Vice President. The vice president(s) shall act as aide to the president(s) and shall (in their designated order) perform the duties of the president(s) in the absence or disability of that officer to act. The vice president(s) shall also be an ex-offico member of the Ways & Means Committees. If there is not a corresponding secretary, the vice president will assume those duties.
Section 3. Recording Secretary. The recording secretary shall record the minutes and votes of all meetings of the organization and of the Executive Board; shall provide copies of the minutes at all meetings; shall have custody of all documents belonging to the organization, including the bylaws, except those currently necessary to the work of other officers and chairmen; shall keep these records in a organized manner with all records available for historical purposes, and shall perform such other duties as may be delegated to him/her.
Section 4. Corresponding Secretary. The corresponding secretary shall handle the organization's correspondence that the Executive Board deems necessary and give notification of all meetings, under the direction of the president(s).
Section 5. Treasurer. The treasurer(s) shall have custody of all of the funds of the organization; shall keep a full and accurate account of receipts and expenditures; and shall make disbursements in accordance with the approved budget, as authorized by the organization, or the Executive Board. The treasurer(s) shall present a financial statement at every meeting of the organization and at other times when requested by the Executive Board. The treasurer(s) will prepare the annual budget for approval by the membership and will ensure the filing of the required tax forms in a timely manner, The treasurer(s) will provide an annual income and expense statement to the Director of Finance at Parkway School District by July 15th each year.
Section 6. Transfer of Officers’ Materials. All officers, except treasurer(s), shall deliver to their successors all official material within one week of the installation of new officers, but no later than one week after completion of the current school year. The treasurer(s) shall deliver all official material no later than one week prior to the beginning of the following school year.
Article VIII: Executive Board
Section 1. Membership. The Executive Board shall consist of the officers of the organization, the PTO advisor, the teacher representative and the principal(s) of the school or a representative appointed by them.
Section 2. PTO Advisor. The president(s) may at his/her discretion, appoint a PTO advisor to serve on the Executive Board for the school year.
Section 3. Teacher Representative. The president(s) shall appoint a teacher representative, with the advice and consent of the principal, to serve on the Executive Board. The teacher representative shall serve for the school year.
Section 4. Duties. The duties of the Executive Board shall be (a) to transact necessary business in the intervals between organization meetings and such other business as may be referred to it by the organization; (b) to appoint an auditor to examine the treasurer's accounts (c) approve nonroutine, unbudgeted expenses of PTO in the amount not more than $300. Any expense over this amount must be brought to the organization for approval.
Section 5. Meetings. Regular meetings of the Executive Board shall be held during the school year, the time to be fixed by the board at its first meeting of the year. A majority of the Executive Board members shall constitute a quorum. Special meetings of the Executive Board may be called by the president(s) or by a majority of the members of the board. In the event that it becomes necessary, business may be conducted electronically, if unable to do so in person.
Article IX: Meetings
Section 1. Regular Meetings. Regular meetings of the organization shall be held throughout the school year, meetings dates shall be determined by the Executive Board and can be held during the day or evening in order to accommodate as many of the general membership as possible. In general, day meetings will be held on the third Thursday of the month at 12:30 p.m. and evening meetings will be held on the second Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. during the school year, unless otherwise provided by the organization or by the Executive Board. Reasonable notice shall be given to change the date or time of a scheduled meeting. A list of dates of all PTO meetings for the current school year will be made available at the beginning of the school year. In the event that a business meeting is not held due to a guest speaker or other such presentation occurring during the meeting, the cancellation of a meeting due to inclement weather, or business arises that needs immediate attention prior to the next regularly scheduled meeting, business may be conducted electronically, if unable to do so in person.
Section 2. Special Meetings. Special meetings may be called by the Executive Board with reasonable notice having been given.
Section 3. Quorum. Ten members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business in any meeting of this organization.
Article X: Standing and Special Committees
Section 1. Committees. The Executive Board may create such standing committees as it may deem necessary to promote the Objectives and carry on the work of the organization. The term of each chairman shall continue until the end of the school year.
Section 2. Transfer of Committee's Materials. All committee chairmen will deliver to their successors all official material, which includes a job description, within one week of the completion of the current school year.
Article XI: Finances
Section 1. Fiscal Year. The fiscal year of the organization shall begin July 1st and ends June 30th to correspond with Parkway School District.
Section 2. Financial Review. The treasurer's accounts shall be examined annually by a volunteer ("auditor”) who, satisfied that the treasurer's annual report is correct, shall sign a statement of that fact at the end of the report. The auditor shall be appointed by the Executive Board before the final PTO meeting of the school year and shall complete his/her work prior to the first PTO meeting of the following school year.
Section 3. Authorized Check Signers. There will be at least three authorized check signers. The check signers shall be members of the Executive Board.
Article XII: Parliamentary Authority
Robert's Rules of Order Revised shall govern the organization in all cases in which they are applicable and in which they are not in conflict with these bylaws.
Article XIII: Amendments
Section 1. These bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting of the organization by a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting, provided that notice of the proposed amendment shall have been given at the previous meeting.
Section 2. A committee may be appointed to submit a revised set of bylaws as a substitute for the existing bylaws only by a majority vote at a meeting of the organization, or by a two-thirds vote of the Executive Board. The requirements for adoption of a revised set of bylaws shall be the same as in the case of an amendment.
Section 3. Submission of amendments or revised bylaws for approval by the organization shall be in accordance with the bylaws or regulations.
Adopted May 3, 2012
Revised Jan. 2013
Revised May 2013