Q: My child is not old enough to enroll in Preschool. When can I join the waitlist?
A: Waitlists are only available for the current school year and do not transfer year to year. The waitlist does not open until our registration window has closed.
Q: How many teachers/students are in the classes?
A: All of our classrooms have a maximum of 18 students.
- For full-day classrooms, there is 1 lead teacher & 2 teacher assistants.
- For half-day classrooms, there is 1 lead teacher and 1 teacher assistant.
- For team-taught half-day classrooms (which is made up of 2 classes), there are 2 lead teachers and 2 teacher assistants.
Q: Do I need to provide snacks for my child?
A: Yes, and you will also need to provide a water bottle for your child every day.
In half-day classrooms, there is one snack-time
In full-day classrooms, there are two snack times, and lunch is provided.
Q: How will I find out about a placement?
A: You will receive an email from Natalie Lichius (nlichius@parkwayschools.net) and will have two days from when the email was sent to respond to accept or decline the placement.
Q: I registered my child online through the Parkway Registrar’s Office but did NOT complete a preschool application. What’s next?
A: All families need to complete a Google application form for each child to be considered for a preschool placement BEFORE enrolling with the district. You will register online through the Registrar’s Office after you have a confirmed placement email from Natalie Lichius (nlichius@parkwayschools.net).
Q: Do I have to be a Parkway resident to enroll in preschool?
A: No, you do not have to be a Parkway resident. Non-residents can also enroll but are charged non-resident rates. Non-residents will be eligible to apply for any remaining open spots for the 25-26 school year beginning May 1, 2025.
Q: Does my child need to be potty trained?
A: No, your child does not have to be potty-trained.
Q: Do I have to choose the preschool that is the closest to my residence?
A: You can choose any location that has availability.
Q: What if my child is currently enrolled in an Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) classroom, do I have to apply for the lottery?
A: Yes, only if you want placement in a general education classroom. You DO NOT need to enter the lottery if your child will continue in an ECSE classroom.
Q: Does Parkway Preschool follow the Parkway District Calendar?
A: Yes. Parkway Early Childhood follows the Parkway School District calendar. The typical operating schedule is August-May. We are closed when the district is closed, including half-day/Early Release days, inclement weather days, school holidays, and breaks including Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer Breaks.