- McKelvey Intermediate
- Progress Report Information
Standards-Based Grading
Parkway has recently adopted a standards-based grading approach. See below for more information.
The elementary progress report is designed to communicate more clearly, more personally and in a way that truly tells the story of your child’s learning.
Meaningful Feedback
Research shows that feedback is one of the most powerful ways to help children learn. The new progress report focuses less on dozens of checkboxes and more on personalized feedback about your child written by your teacher. You will see specific, unique comments about your child including areas of success and also how you can support them at home.
Progress vs. Letters
Another change for 3rd, 4th and 5th grade families is that teachers will communicate progress versus the traditional letter grades of A, B, C, N. Instead, the report will show, for each area of study, whether your child is “On Track” OR “Not Yet on Track” to meet academic expectations for the school year. Progress reports for Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grades do not currently use traditional letter grades.
Easy Access Online
The new progress report is easily accessible online. A one-page summary of your child’s progress report can be printed as well. You will receive an email with a link to your child’s progress report when it’s available. For families that do not have Internet access, a paper version will be available. A link to the progress report will also be available on the Parkway Schools free mobile app for your convenience.
How can I access the progress report?
When your child has a new progress report posted, you will receive an email with a link to view the report online. You can login using a Facebook, Google or Microsoft account. In order to protect your privacy, your email address on file with Parkway (in Infinite Campus) must match the email address associated with these accounts. Login to the Infinite Campus parent portal to update or change your email address if needed. If you do not have Internet access, contact your school to receive a printed version of the progress report.