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The mission of the PCH Theatre Department is to inspire, challenge, educate, and empower students at PCH to achieve the highest level of cultural excellence through theatre education, while emotionally connecting to audiences with entertaining and thought-provoking theatre.
Theatre education is fundamental and is necessary for the growth and development of today's students. Whether you plan to be a lawyer, doctor, musician, scientist, or pro athlete, you will need to know how to communicate, problem-solve, think creatively, and work as a team. Taking a theatre class can help you with all of these skills and more! There are NINE (9) different theatre classes in addition to a Public Speaking class. Classes are a 1/2 semester each and meet the Fine Arts and/or Elective requirement. Most classes are open to grades 9-12 and Studio II & Directing can be taken for HONORS OPTION. Those looking to direct as a senior, please plan your schedule well as there are many prerequisites for Directing. And YES... you can take your gen-ed requirements, other Fine Arts classes and still fit a theatre class in your schedule!! There is a theatre class waiting for YOU!
Mrs. Voss
Theatre Teacher; Dept. Leader
LEVEL 1 CLASSES (beginning)
Introduction to Theatre * Comedy in Action * Public Speaking
Musical Theatre * Technical Design/Construction
LEVEL 2 CLASSES (intermediate)
Foundations of Acting * Shakespeare Alive * Advanced Comedic Performance
LEVEL 3 CLASSES (advanced)
Advanced Acting * Directing * Independent Study
All Level 3 courses are advanced classes and require a Level 1 or Level 2
prerequisite or teacher recommendation.
Musical Theatre (even yrs) and Shakespeare Alive (odd yrs) are offered every other year.
Honor's Options are available in Advanced Acting and Directing.
Independent Studies are available in Technical Applications, Playwriting, and Acting Theory.