- Central High
- Academic Lab
Academic Lab
A citizenship grade of O, S, I, or U will be given based on how the student adheres to the guidelines and expectations of THIS Academic Lab.
- Come in, drop your book bag at the table and have a seat AT THE CHAIRS – NOT THE COUCHES.
- Remain seated until dismissed by the teacher.
- Come to Ac Lab prepared to work (books, writing utensils, reading material, etc.) THIS IS NOT A TIME TO SLEEP!
- Keep your hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
- Keep your surrounding area and the classroom in general CLEAN. Do not leave any trash behind.
- Read/Work quietly and respect others’ need to do the same.
- Do not use obscene gestures or obscene language.
- No food or candy in the classroom. Drinks with screw top lids are ok. No drinks from the colt coral.
- Cell phones are allowed only during Ac Lab once work time has started. However, do not abuse this.
- The theatre storage area is off limits, unless otherwise instructed.
- Academic Lab is a gift given to you to help you become ACADEMICALY SUCCESSFUL!
- Getting 1 on 1 help from teachers
- Work on homework
- Read!
- Study for a tests!
- Making up assignments, tests or PE
- Meeting with your counselors or administrators
- Working in the computer lab
- Utilizing the resources in the Library
- Academic Lab is NOT a time to:
- Play video games
- Sleep
- Wonder the builder
- Do nothing
Note: Academic Lab may also be used to complete tasks, which are not related to classroom work that previously took time away from regular classes. Examples include:
- Class meetings
- Assemblies
- Special presentations
- Standardized testing
- Come in, place book bag on the table, and have a seat.
- Students will remain in the classroom until the 9:25 bell.
- Students must have a blue Ac Lab pass signed by their academic teacher along with their Ac lab pass in order to travel. Students must have this pass PRIOR to coming to lab. (so think ahead). You are allowed to go up to 3 places on one travel.
- Students are to SIGN OUT of ac lab and SIGN IN to their destination.
- Teachers are to SIGN your pass! The homeroom Ac Lab teacher, and EACH destination teacher signs you out!
- Students must go directly to their requested destinations. They are not to go to lockers, vending machines, restrooms, other parts of the school, or other teachers’ rooms unless noted on their Lab Pass. Hall monitors will check your passes and cards.
- Students will be expected to reach their scheduled destination within four (4) minutes.
- Students who remain in their Lab classrooms must work quietly and respect others’ need to do the same.
- Students are expected to return to their ac lab by 10:40am & turn in their pass to the Ac Lab binder. (There is a 10:35 warning bell)
- Students who do not meet these guidelines risk losing their Academic lab privileges and may face other disciplinary consequences. Note: if a hall monitor should question your behavior, where you are going, your location or your behavior in the hall, they may revoke your pass at any time. If this should happen then your Ac Lab privileges will be suspended for 3 Ac Lab days and you will be given a grade level discipline referral.
- Students are given a pass with times to be in with specific teachers.
- Students are to follow the scheduled times for Directed Travel.
- Students do not need a blue pass to go along with their Directed Travel pass.
- As the student leaves Academic Lab, the pass must be signed by the Academic Lab teacher.
- Students must sign in as they arrive at their destination.
- Students are to be in their assigned destination the entire time that is noted on the pass.
- Students are to sign out and have their pass signed by the teacher as they leave.
- Students are to be back in their Academic Lab by 10:40. The 10:35 bell is there to warn the students to start heading back to class. Teachers need to direct students back to class at this time.
- If a student does not show up for Directed Travel, send an email to their grade-level principal.
- Students with disabilities are to see their case manager according to the following schedule:
9th and 10th grade students 9:30 – 10:00 on Wednesday
11th and 12th grade students 9:30 – 10:00 on Friday
- Students who do not meet these guidelines risk losing their Academic lab privileges and may face other disciplinary consequences. Note: if a hall monitor should question your behavior, where you are going, your location or your behavior in the hall, they may revoke your pass at any time. If this should happen then your Ac Lab privileges will be suspended for 3 Ac Lab days and you will be given a grade level discipline referral.