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    997001 & 997002 - CADET TEACHING
    Grades:  11-12
    ½ Elective credit
    Prerequisite:  Junior or Senior in good standing.  Minimum GPA of 3.0 for placement at an elementary school and 3.0 for placement at a secondary school. 

    This course is offered to junior and senior students who have an interest in pursuing a degree in teaching or are wanting to gain mentoring/tutoring hours to use toward their A+ status.  Students will assist and observe cooperating teachers within the school.  The student will share in the work of the cooperating teacher and will perform a variety of teaching-related tasks under the direction of a certified teacher.  The program requires that the student be responsible, dependable, and maintain a good work ethic.  Placement options include:  North High, Northeast Middle, and Bellerive, Craig, McKelvey, and Ross Elementary Schools.  For placement at an off-campus site, the students must provide their own transportation and it must be scheduled during 7th or 8th block.  Please indicate 1st semester, 2nd semester, or both. 

    Grade: 12
    ½ Elective credit
    Prerequisite: None

    The addition of a community service and social justice program will become the hallmark of a Parkway education and will elevate Parkway to leadership status nationwide.  The call to reform education and create students who are thriving democratic citizens is demanding public education to move in the direction of service learning.  This course will support personal projects and its senior student’s participating in weekly service at multiple agencies in the St. Louis area and perhaps beyond.  Imagine over 1000 senior students devoting more than 56,000 hours to serving those in need. Each student will be encouraged to engage the world in a loving way and reform structures in a way that leads to justice.  The ultimate goal will be to generate students who tie community service to academic analysis of justice issues and graduate with the ability to make life choices informed by the context of social justice.

    116341 & 116342 (Year-long) - BUILDING MATH COMPETENCY 4
    Grades:  9-12
    1 Math credit
    Prerequisite:  Department recommendation only

    This course is designed as an intervention for students who need additional support to increase skills in math computation, concepts, reasoning, and problem solving.  Topics will include:  ratios, proportions, percents, area and volume, statistics, and an introduction to solving and graphing linear equations.

    117200 - GEOMETRY ACT
    Grades:  10-12
    ½ Elective credit
    Prerequisite:  Department recommendation only

    This semester long Geometry course is designed as an intervention for students who need additional support in increase geometric and algebraic reasoning skills needed to be successful for the ACT.  Topics include essential geometry vocabulary, parallel lines and polygons, perimeter and area, volume and surface area, trigonometry, and coordinate geometry.

    057171 & 057172 (Year-long) - CREATIVE WRITING: NON-FICTION
    Grades: 11-12
    1 English credit
    Prerequisite: English 1 and 2 and recommendation of Journalism instructor. May not be substituted for English 1, 2, or 3.

    This course involves both study of non-fiction writing techniques and individual instruction.  Writing samples are predominately drawn from current periodicals. Students submit writing for publication in professional and student publications.

    057470 - LITERACY LAB
    Grades:  9-12
    ½ Elective credit
    Prerequisite:  Department recommendation only

    This course is designed to accelerate achievement in reading, writing stamina, practice within and across genres, engaging in critical and creative thinking and problem solving, and enhancing multiple types of communication.
    This class was previously called Intervention and Instruction.

    136321 & 136322 (Year-long) - EARTH SYSTEMS
    Grades:  9-12
    1 Science Credit
    Prerequisite:  Department recommendation only

    This course is designed as an intervention for students who need additional support to increase earth science content knowledge and laboratory skills. Emphasis will be placed on the interconnectedness of science concepts and their application in the world. Students will gain a wide range of knowledge of the earth and the solar system as well as weather, seasons, and climate on our own planet. The relationship between atmospheric processes and their effect on humans will be explored. Students will use telescopes, spectroscopes, and probes to explore changes in the night sky and current weather related activity. In addition, students will study the internal and external factors that sculpt the earth. Looking at Earth’s features such as glaciers, volcanoes, and the ocean floor will help to understand our home and all of its inhabitants. From the eroding of canyons to the folding of mountains, this course will explore the processes that build and destroy our planet.

    136331 & 136332 (Year-long) - BIOLOGICAL SYSTEMS
    Grades:  9-12
    1 Science credit
    Prerequisite:  Department recommendation only

    This course is designed as an intervention for students who need additional support to access the biology curriculum. The goal of the course is to help students develop the skills needed to be a successful scientist in the classroom and in their lives. Emphasis will be placed on the interconnectedness of science concepts and their application in the world, by developing skills of communication, collaboration, problem solving, and critical thinking. Topics will include:  characteristics of life, structure of living things, systems of living things, cell growth and genetics, evolution, ecology, and population growth and human impact on the environment.

    136351 & 136352 (Year-long) - CHEMICAL AND PHYSICAL SYSTEMS
    Grades:  9-12
    1 Science credit
    Prerequisite:  Department recommendation only

    This course is designed as an intervention for students who need additional support to increase physical science content knowledge and laboratory skills. Emphasis will be placed on the interconnectedness of science concepts and their application in the world. Topics will include:  motion, forces, energy, light, sound, electricity, atomic structure, the Periodic Table, and chemical and physical properties and changes.

    137930 - SCIENCE LABORATORY ASSISTANT   *not an NCAA “core course”*
    Grades 11-12
    ½ Elective credit
    Prerequisite: B average in Science and Department approval

    This is a special course for students to have the opportunity to learn laboratory skills needed for any scientific career.  The student will develop skills in making chemical solutions, raising laboratory animals, microbiology techniques, maintaining equipment and supplies used in science classes, and assisting teachers in preparing for laboratory activities.  They may also work on a scientific project under teacher supervision.   Students must be reliable and enjoy working with science materials.  Permission from the science department is required.  The number of students accepted per class period is very limited.