Career & Interest Exploration


    High Demand Occupations in Missouri
    Section 167.902RSMo, requires that the department of economic development shall annually identify occupations in which a critical need or shortage of training personnel exists in the labor markets in this state.  Additionally, each high school shall provide its students with the information before November 1st of every school year.  For a direct link to the FY25 High Demand Occupations list, please click HERE.

    Occupational Outlook Handbook
    The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics maintains this site which tracks data related to all areas of the labor market, including pay/salary, fastest growing, projected most new jobs added, and much more.

    Occupation Searches
    O*NET | the nation’s primary course of occupational information | Exploring Missouri Careers and Training

    MoSCORES | Educational and Training Program Search | Jobs for Non-Degree Employment Seekers

    Build Your Future – Build Missouri | explore careers in the construction industry that suit your interests and personality

    Missouri Apprentice Connect | matches Missouri apprentices with great work opportunities

    How to Choose a College Major
    Follow a step-by-step process HERE that walks you through a series of activities designed to uncover your talents and aptitudes, and how those apply to potential college majors.


    Naviance Student | Interest Inventories

    Our Counseling Curriculum navigates students through various self-discovery inventories located in their Naviance Student accounts during grades 9-10.  These inventories are intended to assist in finding personal strengths and interests and how those align with careers and career areas.  Our curricular schedule is detailed below:

    9th GRADE |Fall

    9th GRADE |Spring

    10th GRADE |Fall


    Naviance Student | Other Career/Interest Inventories
    In addition to the inventories completed through our Counseling Curriculum, Naviance Student offers other self-discovery tools through AchieveWorks that students can complete and explore independently:

    Multiple Intelligences
    This theory consists of 8 intelligences that, when determined which is the strongest for an individual, can be used to assist in the exploration of careers aligned to that form of intelligence.



    Career Chart