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Science CreditThe Parkway Science Program has been designed to achieve three goals.
- The first goal is for the student to have an awareness of both the physical and biological concepts which are useful for living in today’s world. For this reason, two of the three Parkway required units of science include two semesters in physical science and two semesters in biological science. The third required unit will be of student choice.
- A second goal is to sequence the courses offered so that the student has the mathematics background needed to understand and to apply the abstract science concepts.
- A third goal is for the student to develop the thinking skills needed to understand the scientific concepts and the skills needed to effectively communicate these concepts.
Four options in developing a four-year plan are described in the following paragraphs. When a student chooses one of these options, he/she is not committed to stay at that course level. The student is able to switch into a different course sequence if academic results indicate this would be beneficial, providing deadlines and prerequisites are met.
1) High School Diploma Requirements Option: meets the requirements necessary for a high school diploma.
Grade First Semester Second Semester 9 Matter and Change Forces and Motion 10 Biology 1: Cells and Variation Biology 2: Evolution and Ecology 11 Bio 3 (sem) + a semester course listed below 2) College-Bound Option: for most students who are college bound (four-year University).
Grade First Semester Second Semester 9 Matter and Change Forces and Motion 10 Biology 1: Cells and Variation Biology 2: Evolution and Ecology 11 Chemistry (year long) or
Principles of Chemistry (year long) or
Bio 3 (sem) + a sem course listed below12 Physics (year long) 3) Honors Option: top 10% (includes participation in Science Fair during 9th/10th grade courses) is for those students that have been selected for an honors science option. If a student is interested in taking AP courses, he/she might select this challenging course sequence. If a student is interested in a more in-depth study of science and is not interested in taking an AP science course, the third semester of Honors Biology 3 could be taken. A student wanting to take AP Biology or AP Chemistry should take either concurrently with Physics.
Grade First Semester Second Semester 9 Honors Matter and Change Honors Forces and Motion 10 Honors Biology 1: Cells and Variation Honors Biology 2: Evolution and Ecology 11 Honors Chemistry (year long) and
Honors Bio 3 (either sem)12 AP Physics 1 (year long) - the course replaces Honors Physics 4) Advanced Honors Option: top 5 % (includes participation in Science Fair during 9th/10th grade courses. This option is for students that have been selected for an honors course, and is the recommended sequence to reach all science AP classes. Students selecting this demanding and rigorous option are mostly those interested in a science-related major at a competitive college. These students are often those involved in science competitions and summer research.
Grade First Semester Second Semester 9 Honors Matter and Change Honors Forces and Motion 10 Honors Biology 1: Cells and Variation
Honors Chemistry (year long - concurrently with Honors Bio)Honors Biology 2: Evolution and Ecology
Honors Chemistry (year long - concurrently with Honors Bio)11 AP Physics 1 (year long) and
AP Biology (year long) or
AP Chemistry (year long) or
AP Physics C: Mechanics (semester long) or
AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism (semester long)12 AP Physics 2 (year long) and
AP Biology (year long) or
AP Chemistry (year long) or
AP Physics C: Mechanics (semester long) or
AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism (semester long)* Freshmen may wish to take Honors Biology 1 & 2 in 9th grade instead of 10th grade, and would do so concurrently with the 9th grade Honors Matter & Change and Honors Forces & Motion.
Additional Courses
The courses listed below can be used to fulfill the third required unit of high school science when a student has a particular interest in a field or when the student’s mathematical ability does not allow him/her to continue in one of the previously mentioned plans: Biology 3 (honors or regular), Astronomy and Space Science, Human Anatomy and Physiology (year), Medical Science, Biomedical Science (Science or CTE credit, year), Biological Engineering (Science or CTE credit, honors, year), Zoology or Forensics.COURSE OFFERINGS
137140 Biology 1: Cells and Variation
Grade(s): 09 - 10
Prerequisite: None
1/2 Science credit each semester
This is the initial semester course in a sequence of biology courses that together will provide a college preparatory experience in the life sciences. This course has the theme: What is the basis of life and how does it vary? Students will conduct controlled experiments using the experimental design process. They will study biochemistry, prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells and cell environment, aspects of cell division, Mendelian genetics, meiosis, and the unity and diversity of life. -
137150 Biology 2: Evolution & Ecology
Grade(s): 09 - 10
Prerequisite: Biology 1: Cells and Variation
1/2 Science credit each semester
This second semester course in the biology sequence has a theme of: How is Life Interrelated? Students will explore the unity and diversity of life through the study of evolution by natural selection. The structure and replication of DNA along with protein synthesis will be examined. The interdependence of all living things will be explored with emphasis on ecological processes and human impact on the biosphere. The processes of photosynthesis and respiration will be introduced. The Missouri Biology End of Course Assessment is given at the conclusion of this course. -
137160 Bio 3: Biotech & Systems
Grade(s): 10 - 12
Prerequisite: Biology 2: Evolution & Ecology, Matter & Change or Chemistry departmental approval
1/2 Science credit each semester
This course completes the initial college preparatory sequence and has the themes: How does biotechnology impact life? and How is life organized for success? The students will investigate a variety of concepts such as DNA fingerprinting and genetic engineering. Students will explore and compare plants and animals (including humans) at the system and molecular levels. Other topics will include photosynthesis and cellular respiration. These topics will be presented through numerous laboratory activities and will emphasize process and thinking skills. -
137201 and 137202 Chemistry
Grade(s): 10 - 12
Prerequisite: Biology 1 and 2 and Algebra 1 with a C or better, or departmental approval
1/2 Science credit each semester
This course can fulfill the third required year of science credit and completes the recommended core curriculum in chemistry. Topics include atomic structure and history, The Periodic Table and periodicity, bonding and nomenclature, the mole and stoichiometry, states of matter, kinetics, thermochemistry, and acids and bases. Group interaction, discussion, and cooperation during laboratory practice and mathematical problem-solving sessions will be commonplace. Open-ended lab experiences requiring student collaboration, technology, and multiple-step problem solving execution will be frequent. -
137210 Matter and Change
Grade(s): 09
Prerequisite: None
1/2 Science credit each semester
This semester course will include a study of physical and chemical changes, classification of matter, phase changes, atomic structure, the periodic table, laws of conservation of matter as well as the history of chemistry. Safety in the laboratory, the experimental process, graphing and metric measurement will be an integral part of this laboratory intensive course. Group interaction, discussion, and cooperation during laboratory practice and mathematical problem-solving sessions will be commonplace. Open-ended laboratory experiences requiring student collaboration and multiple-step problem solving execution will be frequent. -
137241 and 137242 Principles of Chemistry
Grade(s): 11 - 12
Prerequisite: Biology and Algebra 1
1/2 Science credit each semester
This course is designed for students who wish to obtain an understanding of the science of chemistry. The major concepts of chemistry are presented with an emphasis of its application in everyday life. The course will cover matter and its properties, atomic structure, the periodic table, chemical bonding, chemical reactions, properties of gases, solutions, introduction to thermochemistry, acid/base chemistry, and nuclear chemistry. These topics will be complemented with activities and laboratory investigations so student can gain hands-on experience. Principles of Chemistry is designed for students who want a rigorous study of chemistry topics and are pursuing a career in a non-STEM field. -
137301 and 137302 Physics
Grade(s): 11 - 12
Prerequisite: Forces & Motion in 1D, Algebra 2 / Trig, or departmental approval
1/2 Science credit each semester
Physics is recommended for any student who is interested in a STEM career field or who wants to prepare for a college level physics course. Physics uses advanced algebra and trigonometry to investigate the following topics: forces, motion in one- and two-dimensions, energy and momentum, gravitation, mechanical waves, light and optics, and electricity. Students will investigate these topics with activities and laboratory investigations to gain hands-on experiences. -
137310 Forces & Motion in 1D
Grade(s): 09
Prerequisite: None
1/2 Science credit each semester
This semester course is the first in a recommended series of physics courses. This class will cover topics including laboratory safety, measurement, scientific inquiry, graphical analysis and the study of forces and motion in one dimension. Group interaction, discussion, and cooperation during laboratory practice and mathematical problem-solving sessions will be commonplace. Open-ended lab experiences requiring student collaboration and multiple-step problem solving execution will be frequent. -
137450 Zoology
Grade(s): 11 - 12
Prerequisite: C or better in both Biology 1: Cells & Variation and Biology 2: Evolution & Ecology
1/2 Science credit each semester
Zoology is a semester course introducing students to the diverse animal kingdom with a survey of invertebrate and vertebrate animals. Students will study animals' characteristics and examples of each class. This course includes studies of the relationship between organisms and the environment, including physical and biological conditions. -
137461 and 13762 Human Anatomy & Physiology (Honors Option)
Grade(s): 11 - 12
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Biology 1: Cells and Variation, Biology 2: Evolution and Ecology
1/2 Science credit each semester
This course will examine through group work, dissection, reading, and guided instruction, the major human body systems that support, move, maintain, and control the body. Medical terminology will be used and reviews of patient case studies will be incorporated. Normal functioning of human tissues, organs, and systems will be compared to pathologic conditions. This class will benefit anyone who wants an in-depth study of the human body. An honors grade may be earned upon completion of the honors option requirements. -
137470 Medical Science
Grade(s): 11 - 12
Prerequisite: Biology 1: Cells & Systems and Biology 2: Evolution & Ecology
1/2 Science credit each semester
The nature of human health and disease is stressed with an emphasis on normal functioning of tissues, organs and systems versus pathologic conditions. Major units will include cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrine, and immune systems. A medical vocabulary will be taught along with each unit. Information will be taught through lecture, dissection, group work, and discussion. -
137480 Forensics
Grade(s): 11 - 12
Prerequisite: Biology 1 & 2, Chemistry or Matter & Change
1/2 Science credit each semester
This course is intended to introduce the student to the field of forensic science, science as applied to the law. Forensic science includes all areas of scientific endeavor, such as medicine, anthropology, entomology, physics, chemistry and biology. This course will emphasize the chemistry connections. The student will also be introduced to criminalistics, and services normally provided by crime laboratories, through various laboratory experiments. By stepping into the role of crime scene investigator, the student will learn various scientific strategies and skills. -
137560 Astronomy & Space Science
Grade(s): 11 - 12
Prerequisite: Successful completion of four semesters of science
1/2 Science credit each semester
What is astronomy and how do we know about the changes that have occurred in the universe around us? The NASA program, the space race, and the observations made by astronomers and astrophysicists have created a greater depth of knowledge of the solar system. In this course students will combine mathematical skills with knowledge of mechanics to broaden their understanding of the universe. Units of study include the Earth, moon, sun and stars, constellations, cosmology and the history of the universe. -
138140 Honors Bio 1:Cells & Variation
Grade(s): 09 - 10
Prerequisite: Recommended B in Algebra 1 or departmental approval
1/2 Science credit each semester
This is the initial course in a sequence of honors biology courses that together will provide a college preparatory experience in the life sciences. This course has the theme: What is the basis of life and how does it vary? Students will conduct controlled experiments using the experimental design process. They will study biochemistry, prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells and cell environment, aspects of cell division, Mendelian genetics, meiosis, and the unity and diversity of life. It is designed for the student who anticipates a science-based career, desires an accelerated science program, and intends to take advanced courses in science. -
138150 Honors Bio 2:Evol & Ecology
Grade(s): 09 - 10
Prerequisite: Honors Biology 1: Cells & Variation or departmental approval
1/2 Science credit each semester
This second semester course in the honors biology sequence has a theme of: How is Life Interrelated? Students will explore the unity and diversity of life through the study of evolution by natural selection. The structure and replication of DNA along with protein synthesis will be examined. The interdependence of all living things will be explored with emphasis on ecological processes and human impact on the biosphere. This course is designed to apply mathematical concepts and critical thinking. It is recommended for the student who anticipates a science-based career, desires an accelerated science program, and intends to take advanced courses in science. The Missouri Biology End of Course Assessment is given at the conclusion of this course. -
138160 Honors Bio 3:Biotech & Systems
Grade(s): 10 - 12
Prerequisite: Honors Biology 2: Evolution and Ecology, Honors Matter & Change or departmental approval
1/2 Science credit each semester
This course completes the initial college preparatory sequence and has the themes: How does biotechnology impact life? and How is life organized for success? The students will investigate a variety of concepts such as DNA fingerprinting and genetic engineering. Students will explore and compare microbes, plants, and animals (including humans) at the system and molecular levels. Other topics will include metabolism and disease. These topics will be presented through numerous laboratory activities and will emphasize process and thinking skills. This course is designed to challenge the top ten percent of students. It is more intensive and requires increased levels of critical thinking and mathematical reasoning. It is designed for the student who anticipates a science-based career, desires an accelerated science program, and intends to take advanced courses in science. A weighted grade is given. -
138201 and 138202 Honors Chemistry
Grade(s): 10 - 12
Prerequisite: Honors Matter and Change or 2 semesters of Biology or departmental approval
1/2 Science credit each semester
Honors Chemistry is designed for the student who has an exceptional interest in science and desires an accelerated science program. Topics include atomic structure, periodicity, bonding, nomenclature, chemical reactions, stoichiometry, gas laws and physical states, thermochemistry, solutions, kinetics and equilibrium, and acids and bases. Group interaction, discussion, and cooperation during laboratory practice and mathematical problem-solving sessions will be commonplace. Open-ended lab experiences, requiring student collaboration and multiple-step problem solving execution will be frequent. -
138210 Honors Matter & Change
Grade(s): 09
Prerequisite: 8th grade recommendation, Algebra 1, and departmental approval
1/2 Science credit each semester
This semester course will include a study of physical and chemical changes, classification of matter, phase changes, atomic structure, the periodic table, laws of conservation of matter as well as the history of chemistry. Safety in the laboratory, the experimental process, graphing and metric measurement will be an integral part of this laboratory intensive course. Group interaction, discussion, and cooperation during laboratory practice and mathematical problem-solving sessions will be commonplace. Open-ended laboratory experiences requiring student collaboration and multiple-step problem solving execution will be frequent. This course is designed to challenge the top 10% of students. It is more intensive and requires more critical thinking than Matter & Change. It is designed for the student who has an exceptional interest in science and desires an accelerated science program. Class lectures will often feature advanced, cognitive material delivered at a greater pace and depth. A weighted grade is given. -
138310 Honors Forces & Motion in 1D
Grade(s): 09
Prerequisite: 8th grade recommendation, Algebra 1, and departmental approval
1/2 Science credit each semester
Laboratory safety, experimental design, problem-solving skills, and graphical analysis will be utilized in the study of forces and motion in one dimension. This course is designed to challenge the top ten percent of students. It is more intensive and requires more critical thinking than Forces & Motion in One-Dimension. It is designed for the student who anticipates a science-based career, desires an accelerated science program, and intends to take advanced courses in science. A weighted grade is given. -
138341 and 138342 Honors Environmental Engineering
Grade(s): 11 - 12
Prerequisite: Biology 1 and Biology 2
1/2 Science credit each semester OR 1/2 CTE credit each semester
The major focus of the Environmental Engineering course is to expose students to the diverse fields of biotechnology including biomedical engineering, bio-molecular genetics, bioprocess engineering, and agricultural and environmental engineering. Lessons engage students in engineering design problems that can be accomplished in a high school setting related to biomechanics, cardiovascular engineering, genetic engineering, agricultural biotechnology, tissue engineering, biomedical devices, human interface, bioprocesses, forensics, and bioethics. The BE course is a high school course that may be taken by 11th or 12th grade students as part of the Project Lead The Way® sequence of courses or as an elective. Students should have experience in biology, chemistry, mathematics, and technology education. It is a project as well as problem-based curriculum similar to all Project Lead the Way® courses. Students in this course will apply biological and engineering concepts to design materials and processes that directly measure, repair, improve, and extend living systems. Biotechnical EngineeringTM is one of the specialty courses in the Project Lead The Way® pre-engineering curriculum, which applies and concurrently develops secondary level knowledge and skills in biology, physics, technology, and mathematics. The course of study includes: - Safety and Documentation Review - Introduction to Biotechnical Engineering - Biochemical Engineering - Environmental and Agricultural Engineering - Biomedical
(Also offered as a CTE credit using course numbers 108221 and 108222) -
139151 and 139152 AP Biology
Grade(s): 11 - 12
Prerequisite: 2 Semesters of Biology or Biology Honors, 2 Semesters of Chemistry or Chemistry Honors
1/2 Science credit each semester
AP Biology is an introductory college-level biology course. Students will cultivate their understanding of biology through inquiry-based investigations as they explore the topics of evolution, cellular processes including energy and communication, genetics, information transfer, ecology, and interactions. This course prepares students for the AP Biology exam. -
139251 and 139252 AP Chemistry
Grade(s): 11 - 12
Prerequisite: Chemistry or Honors Chemistry or department approval
1/2 Science credit each semester
AP Chemistry is designed to be equivalent to a first year general chemistry course in college. Students in this course will attain a depth of understanding of chemistry fundamentals and competence in dealing with chemical problems. Qualitative and quantitative study of topics will include: atomic theory and atomic structure, chemical bonding, gases, liquids and solids, chemical reactions, stoichiometry, equilibrium, kinetics, and thermodynamics. This course provides laboratory experience comparable to a typical college course and prepares students for the AP Chemistry exam. -
139321 AP Physics C: Mechanics
Grade(s): 11 - 12
Prerequisite: Honors Forces & Motion or departmental approval, +Pre-Calc
1/2 Science credit each semester
AP Physics C: Mechanics is a calculus-based physics course that covers kinematics, dynamics, energy, momentum, rotation, gravitation and oscillation. This course is the first of a two-course sequence that is equivalent to the introductory calculus based physics sequence taken by science and engineering students at most colleges and universities. This course prepares students for the AP Physics C: Mechanics exam. -
139332 AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism
Grade(s): 11 - 12
Prerequisite: Honors Forces & Motion or departmental approval, +Pre-Calc
1/2 Science credit each semester
AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism is a calculus-based physics course that covers the topics of conductors, capacitors, and dielectrics, electric circuits, magnetic fields, and electromagnetism. This course is the second of a two-course sequence that is equivalent to the introductory calculus based physics sequence taken by science and engineering students at most colleges and universities. This course prepares students for the AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism exam. -
139411 and 139412 AP Physics 1
Grade(s): 11 - 12
Prerequisite: Honors Forces & Motion or departmental approval, completed a Geometry course and be concurrently enrolled in Algebra II/Trigonometry or higher
1/2 Science credit each semester
AP Physics 1 is the study of trigonometry based physics. Students will investigate forces, motion in one and two-dimensions, circular and rotational motion, gravitation, energy and momentum, mechanical waves, and introductory static electricity and DC circuits. This course prepares students to take the College Board Advanced Placement Physics 1 examination and is equivalent to college level General Physics 1 -
139421 and 139422 AP Physics 2
Grade(s): 12
Prerequisite: Physics, AP Physics 1, Pre-Calculus
1/2 Science credit each semester
The study of trigonometry based physics culminates in AP Physics 2. Students will investigate optics, fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, electrical fields, currents and circuits, magnetism, and quantum and nuclear physics. This course prepares students to take the College Board Advanced Placement Physics 2 examination and is equivalent to college level General Physics 2. -
139501 and 139502 AP Environmental Science
Grade(s): 11 - 12
Prerequisite: 1 credit of Biology, 1 credit Chemistry (Chemistry may be taken concurrently.)
1/2 Science credit each semester
Advanced Placement Environmental Science is devoted to applying scientific processes and reasoning to understanding the environment. This course examines the geological and biological factors that interact to create Earth's environmental systems and then uses this understanding to investigate the biological basis of current environmental issues with topics including natural resources, energy, pollution, climate change, population growth, and biodiversity conservation. Emphasis is placed on prevention of environmental crises or mitigating them if they occur. This course prepares students for the AP Environmental Science exam. -
107411 and 107412 Principles of Biomedical Sciences
Grade(s): 10 - 12
Prerequisite: 1 credit of Biology
1/2 CTE credit each semester
This course involves the study of human medicine, research processes and an introduction to bioinformatics. The students will investigate the human body systems and various health conditions including: Heart disease, Diabetes, Sickle-cell disease, Hypercholesterolemia, and Infectious diseases. Students will be exploring science in action; students will work through interesting real world cases and often play the role of biomedical professionals to solve medical mysteries. -
137930 Science Laboratory Assistant
Grade(s): 11-12
Prerequisite: B average in Science, junior or senior standing, and departmental approval
1/2 elecitve credit each semester
This is a special course for students to have the opportunity to learn laboratory skills needed for any scientific career. The student will develop skills in making chemical solutions, raising laboratory animals, microbiology techniques, maintaining equipment and supplies used in science classes, and assisting teachers in preparing for laboratory activities. They may also work on a scientific project under teacher supervision. Students must be reliable and enjoy working with science materials. Permission from the science department is required. The number of students accepted per class period is very limited.