• pkwy  

    Science Credit

    The Parkway Science Program has been designed to achieve three goals.

    • The first goal is for the student to have an awareness of both the physical and biological concepts which are useful for living in today’s world.  For this reason, two of the three Parkway required units of science include two semesters in physical science and two semesters in biological science.  The third required unit will be of student choice.
    • A second goal is to sequence the courses offered so that the student has the mathematics background needed to understand and to apply the abstract science concepts.
    • A third goal is for the student to develop the thinking skills needed to understand the scientific concepts and the skills needed to effectively communicate these concepts.

    Four options in developing a four-year plan are described in the following paragraphs. When a student chooses one of these options, he/she is not committed to stay at that course level. The student is able to switch into a different course sequence if academic results indicate this would be beneficial, providing deadlines and prerequisites are met.

    1) High School Diploma Requirements Option:  meets the requirements necessary for a high school diploma.

     Grade First Semester  Second Semester 
    9 Matter and Change Forces and Motion
    10 Biology 1: Cells and Variation  Biology 2: Evolution and Ecology
    11 Bio 3 (sem) + a semester course listed below    

    2) College-Bound Option:  for most students who are college bound (four-year University).  

     Grade First Semester  Second Semester 
    9 Matter and Change Forces and Motion
    10 Biology 1: Cells and Variation  Biology 2: Evolution and Ecology
    11 Chemistry (year long) or
    Principles of Chemistry (year long) or
    Bio 3 (sem) + a sem course listed below  
    12 Physics (year long)    

    3) Honors Option: top 10% (includes participation in Science Fair during 9th/10th grade courses) is for those students that have been selected for an honors science option.  If a student is interested in taking AP courses, he/she might select this challenging course sequence.  If a student is interested in a more in-depth study of science and is not interested in taking an AP science course, the third semester of Honors Biology 3 could be taken. A student wanting to take AP Biology or AP Chemistry should take either concurrently with Physics.

     Grade First Semester  Second Semester 
    9 Honors Matter and Change   Honors Forces and Motion  
    10 Honors Biology 1: Cells and Variation    Honors Biology 2: Evolution and Ecology
    11 Honors Chemistry (year long) and
    Honors Bio 3 (either sem) 
    12 AP Physics 1 (year long) - the course replaces Honors Physics     

     4) Advanced Honors Option: top 5 % (includes participation in Science Fair during 9th/10th grade courses. This option is for students that have been selected for an honors course, and is the recommended sequence to reach all science AP classes.  Students selecting this demanding and rigorous option are mostly those interested in a science-related major at a competitive college.  These students are often those involved in science competitions and summer research.

     Grade First Semester  Second Semester 
    9 Honors Matter and Change   Honors Forces and Motion  
    10 Honors Biology 1: Cells and Variation
    Honors Chemistry (year long - concurrently with Honors Bio)  
    Honors Biology 2: Evolution and Ecology
    Honors Chemistry (year long - concurrently with Honors Bio)  
    11 AP Physics 1 (year long) and
    AP Biology (year long) or
    AP Chemistry (year long) or
    AP Physics C: Mechanics (semester long) or
    AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism (semester long)  
    12 AP Physics 2 (year long) and
    AP Biology (year long) or
    AP Chemistry (year long) or
    AP Physics C: Mechanics (semester long) or
    AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism (semester long)  

    * Freshmen may wish to take Honors Biology 1 & 2 in 9th grade instead of 10th grade, and would do so concurrently with the 9th grade Honors Matter & Change and Honors Forces & Motion.

    Additional Courses
    The courses listed below can be used to fulfill the third required unit of high school science when a student has a particular interest in a field or when the student’s mathematical ability does not allow him/her  to continue in one of the previously mentioned plans: Biology 3 (honors or regular), Astronomy and Space Science, Human Anatomy and Physiology (year), Medical Science, Biomedical Science (Science or CTE credit, year),  Biological Engineering (Science or CTE credit, honors, year), Zoology or Forensics.


  • 137140 Biology 1: Cells and Variation

  • 137150 Biology 2: Evolution & Ecology

  • 137160 Bio 3: Biotech & Systems

  • 137201 and 137202 Chemistry

  • 137210 Matter and Change

  • 137241 and 137242 Principles of Chemistry

  • 137301 and 137302 Physics

  • 137310 Forces & Motion in 1D

  • 137450 Zoology

  • 137461 and 13762 Human Anatomy & Physiology (Honors Option)

  • 137470 Medical Science

  • 137480 Forensics

  • 137560 Astronomy & Space Science

  • 138140 Honors Bio 1:Cells & Variation

  • 138150 Honors Bio 2:Evol & Ecology

  • 138160 Honors Bio 3:Biotech & Systems

  • 138201 and 138202 Honors Chemistry

  • 138210 Honors Matter & Change

  • 138310 Honors Forces & Motion in 1D

  • 138341 and 138342 Honors Environmental Engineering

  • 139151 and 139152 AP Biology

  • 139251 and 139252 AP Chemistry

  • 139321 AP Physics C: Mechanics

  • 139332 AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism

  • 139411 and 139412 AP Physics 1

  • 139421 and 139422 AP Physics 2

  • 139501 and 139502 AP Environmental Science

  • 107411 and 107412 Principles of Biomedical Sciences

  • 137930 Science Laboratory Assistant