Asbestos Notification

  • Parkway School District

    455 N. Woods Mill Road
    Chesterfield, MO 63017

    The U. S. EPA Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) under the Federal Code of Regulations 40 CFR 763.93g(4) requires that building occupants be notified annually of the presence of asbestos in the building and the availability of the Asbestos Management Plan.  A copy of the Management Plan is available for review in the school office or at the Parkway School District’s Environmental Services Department located at 363 N. Woods Mill Road, Chesterfield, Missouri, 63017. The Management Plan identifies the types and locations of asbestos in the building, and identifies inspections, sampling data, and response actions taken by the District. 

    Questions regarding asbestos or the Management Plan can be directed to Stephanie Kline-Tissi, Manager of Environmental Services for Parkway School District, at 314-415-8260.