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Parent Advisory Council for Children with Disabilities (PACCD)
The Parkway PACCD is a group of volunteer parents of children with disabilities. The PACCD is committed to ensuring all students with special needs in Parkway receive a high-quality education and services to meet their needs. Through ongoing communication between parents, Parkway administration, and Special Education administrators, the PACCD is a voice for the parents of all students with disabilities.
If your child receives special education services, has been diagnosed with a Section 504 disability, or is suspected of having a disability (i.e., being referred/evaluated), Parkway welcomes your involvement in a volunteer parent organization committed to securing quality education for students with special needs. Parents have opportunities to become involved with the PACCD at both the school and district levels.
Each school has one or more parent representatives who select and advise a district-level steering committee. The steering committee meets with Parkway and Special School District (SSD) administrators and acts in an advisory capacity regarding programs and services for students with disabilities. The organization also provides support and information to parents and sponsors general meetings for anyone interested in attending.
If you have questions, want assistance or information, and/or would like to be a PACCD representative for your child’s school, contact PACCD Leadership, Abigail Finney and Olivia Mendez-Alm, at contactpaccd@gmail.com.