• Parkway Character Education


  • What is Character Education?

    Thomas Lickona defines Character Education as, “The deliberate effort to develop virtues that are good for the individual and good for society” (2007).

    Parents and families are children’s first character educators, but teachers and schools can also reinforce and teach a wide range of character strengths. 

    Character education helps students develop the attitudes and behaviors to become responsible citizens. It involves teaching students and adults to demonstrate moral, performance, intellectual, and civic character in their daily lives.

    Examples of Moral Character: Honesty, Integrity, Trustworthiness, Caring, Gratitude, and Courage.

    Examples of Performance Character: Self-Discipline, Responsibility, Perseverance, and Resilience.

    Examples of Intellectual Character: Curiosity, Carefulness, Open-Mindedness, Critical Thinking, and Humility.

    Examples of Civic Character: Fairness, Respect, Compassion, and Contributing to the common good. (Character.org, 2023)

    District of Character

    Parkway School District: Parkway is proud to be a District of Character since 2017.


    Parkway Schools of Character  

    Elementary: Barretts, Carman Trails, Claymont, Craig, Early Childhood, Green Trails, Hanna Woods, Highcroft Ridge, Mason Ridge, McKelvey, Oak Brook, Ross, and Wren Hollow

    Middle: Central Middle, Northeast Middle, South Middle, Southwest Middle, and West Middle

    High: Central High School

    Schools of Character - Character.org

    2024 Promising Practices Recipients

    Elementary: Barretts, Oakbrook, Early Childhood, River Bend, Ross

    Middle: Northeast Middle School

    High: West High

    Promising Practices - Character.org