• Parkway Credit Advancement Information

    Student schedules are subject to change based on teacher availability and number of students requesting each course. If you believe there is an error in your schedule or you can no longer attend summer school, please contact your counselor as soon as possible.

    On June 7, students will be able to see their course schedules in Infinite Campus.

    NOTE: If you are enrolled in the online Government course, please plan to attend EOC Testing at West High. Testing coordinators will contact you regarding dates and times for testing.

    Parkway Virtual Learning Information

    Asynchronous Virtual Summer Learning Attendance Guidelines

    Students should receive an email from their instructor the week prior to the start of summer school.  If they do not, they still must log-in to their course(s) in Schoology by June 12. Instructions for accessing your course(s) are below.  Students who fail to do so will be automatically dropped from the course.  Students cannot be re-enrolled in the course if this occurs.  

    Please see the drop guidelines listed below:

    June 9th- June 13th June 16th- June 27th June 30th- July 11th
    A student who has not logged into their course within the first 5 attendance days will be dropped from the course without penalty for non-participation.

    Drops requested between June 16th-June 27th will result in an NC ( No Credit) on the student’s transcript. An NC does not impact a student’s GPA.

    Drops requested between June 30th-July 11th will be transcribed based on the grade a student received in the course. 


    Credit Advancement Schedule

    Period 1 credit advancement classes do not require students to log-in daily.  Students can expect to spend 8-10 hours a week for each course since the curriculum is condensed and the term is shortened.  Students will be required to attend a meeting with their instructor during the first week of summer school.  These meetings will be offered at 3 different times/days in order to accommodate student schedules and will be communicated by teachers.

    Materials & Supplies for Virtual Classes

    Some classes may have required materials & supplies. We will make every effort to deliver summer materials & supplies to students before the end of the school year at their respective home school.  If you are in need of materials & supplies, please contact Sabrina Cosey-Davis at scosey-davis@parkwayschools.net.  

    Accessing Virtual Courses

    To access your course with a Chromebook or computer

    • Visit schoology.parkwayschools.net.
    • Enter your @parkwayschools.net email address.
    • Click "Next."
    • Enter your Parkway-issued password.
    • Click "Allow on Schoology Integration Page."
    • Click on the “Courses” menu to see a list of your assigned course
    • Click on a course to open it and find classroom materials. Learning resources and activities will be available in the center column of the page.
    • Your teacher will share specific information about how to access the materials and activities needed for your class. This could include external tools like Google Classroom, Flipgrid or other digital tools.

    To access your course with a personal device:

    • Using the Chrome browser, go to www.google.com and click "Sign in" in the upper right hand corner
    • Enter your Parkway Google email and password
    • Go to Schoology at schoology.parkwayschools.net
    • Click on the "SSO Login" link on the login page
    • Search for "Parkway School District"
    • Choose your Parkway Google account from the list
    • Click on the “Courses” menu to see a list of your assigned course
    • Click on a course to open it and find classroom materials. Learning resources and activities will be available in the center column of the page
    • Your teacher will share specific information about how to access the materials and activities needed for your class. This could include external tools like Clever, Google Classroom, Flipgrid or other digital tools.

    Courses will be available in Schoology by June 7, 2024.

    Students who are new enrollees for summer school will receive email addresses and login credentials by June 7.  If you do not receive your login information, please contact the Technology Help Desk at (314) 415-8181.

    International Access to Google Workspace

    Parkway is no longer allowing users to login to any Google services from outside the United States. If you are planning to travel internationally and you will need access to your summer school courses, please contact the Technology Help Desk at (314) 415-8181.

    Parent Access in Schoology

    Parents can continue to use Schoology to access their students' content.  If you are a new enrollee for summer, parents will receive a separate email containing your Schoology login information. 

    Technology Requirements

    Students will need access to a device and Wi-Fi in order to successfully complete their coursework.  Students will be allowed to keep their Chromebooks through the end of summer school.  If you have questions regarding technology devices or access, please contact the Parkway Help Desk at helpdesk@parkwayschools.net or 314-415-8181.  Hours are Monday-Friday from 8:00-4:30 p.m.

    Student Orientation for Virtual Students

    We ask that all virtual students review this online orientation, which will help them understand the expectations of Parkway Virtual classes; as well as information about accessing their online course.

    Electronic Use Policy

    Students are expected to comply with the Parkway Electronic Use Policy throughout the summer term.

    If you have questions about your credit advancement classes, please contact your counselor.  You may also contact Lindsey Perkins, Director of Choice Programs at (314) 415-8450 or Lperkins1@parkwayschools.net or Liza Bangert, Choice Programs Specialist at (314) 415-8451 or lbangert@parkwayschools.net.

    If you have questions regarding Schoology, please contact the Parkway Technology Help Desk at helpdesk@parkwayschools.net or 314-415-8181.  Hours are Monday-Friday from 8:00-4:30 p.m.