Facilities 2050

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    Parkway’s buildings, many of which have served multiple generations, are showing their age. Our community has voiced the need for updated, accessible, and secure spaces that support student success. To meet the high standards we set for our district, we must revitalize our facilities to reflect excellence.

    As outlined in Parkway’s 2024-2029 Strategic Plan, facilities are essential in providing resources for student success. In response, Parkway is launching Facilities 2050, a multi-year initiative to engage parents, staff, students, and the broader community in shaping the future of our facilities. 

    This process will build on the work underway through the 2022 Prop S bond projects and expand our vision. Facilities 2050 is about rethinking, revitalizing, and reimagining how we use our spaces to serve students and staff. It will focus on short-term and immediate needs, as well as long-term strategies. 

    Together, with careful planning, we will envision bold improvements aligned with our strategic plan, our budget, and the overall priorities of helping students succeed at school and in life. We must ensure Parkway students and staff have the facilities and physical resources to meet present and future needs.  

    Like Project Parkway, Facilities 2050 will use two groups to chart the path forward. 

    • Core Committee: Parkway staff who will work on immediate and short-term improvements to facilities processes and needs.

    • Steering Committee: Community members, including the Board of Education, parents, students, and others, will identify long-term needs and strategies for improving the condition of facilities. 

    These groups will begin meeting in January 2025.

    Please check this website for updates or contact facilities-2050@parkwayschools.net for additional information.  

    January 28, 2025: Project Parkway Steering Committee meeting

    Facilities 2050's work kicked off at the steering meeting with Parkway community members, leaders, teachers, and staff. The group: 

    • Reviewed the Strategic Plan to understand how the work for Facilities 2050 will proceed as part of our five-year plan. 
    • Reviewed community feedback and data on our facilities we heard during the development of the strategic plan. 
    • Began to outline key goals and objectives of Facilities 2050 and key areas of need.

    Slides from the meeting can be viewed here. 

    February 5, 2025: Parkway State of the District 

    The community received an update on Facilities 2050 and how the work will lead to a long-term Facilities Revitalization Plan, which is scheduled to be implemented starting in the 26-27 school year.

    View slides from the presentation here.