• Sign up

    Sign up    Page Update In Progress

    Teachers, students, staff, and family members can all sign up to participate in the Sustainable Schools Challenge. By signing up, you'll receive our newsletters with new activities each month!

     Sign up

    Do activities

    Do Activities

    Participate in a wide variety of activities relating to Parkway School District's sustainability goals. You can choose from one of the activities we have selected or get creative and make your own. You may be able to earn points for things your school is already doing. Also, there will be mini-challenges to earn extra points.

    Ways to earn points


    Report points

    Report for points

    During your activity, take a few photos and submit them to earn points. We will review submissions and award points on a regular basis.

     Report points

    Compete with schools

    Compete with other schools

    Schools will compete in groups based on enrollment. Points will updated reguarly on the Leaderboard so that you can track your schools progress. At the end of the challenge, schools with the most points will be recognized and recieve a cash prize.
