Contact Information

  • Transportation Center (314) 415-8400 (Parkway resident students only) 

    Parkway's VST Facilitator 314-415-9060 (Students residing in the City of St. Louis)

    Some of the more frequently-called extensions within the transportation center are listed below.

    When calling from a telephone on the Parkway voice network, drop the first two digits (41) and only dial 5-xxxx.

    Specialized Transportation Section

    Dispatcher: 415-8420
    Routing: 415-8421
    Drivers' Room: 415-8416
    FAX: 415-8414

    Conventional Transportation Section

    Dispatcher: 415-8409
    Routing: 415-8406
    Drivers' Room: 415-8408
    FAX: 415-8410
    Vehicle Maintenance Section: 415-8405

    Parkway School District
    Transportation Department
    347 N. Woods Mill Road
    Chesterfield, MO 63017