• Public Comments during Regular Board Meetings

    As outlined in policy BDDH.BP, the Parkway Board of Education will establish a public comment period during each regular board meeting. All regular meetings of the Board of Education shall be open to the public. The Board encourages district residents, staff, students, and business partners to make known their thoughts and concerns during the Public Comments section of Board of Education meetings.

    The Board of Education of the Parkway School District will establish as a normal item of its order of business at each regular board meeting a period for statements from the public ("Public Comments") who have registered in advance of the meeting to speak. During Public Comments, any person may make a statement or address the Board. Each speaker shall make his/her statement in a brief and concise manner. The time period for public comments shall be at the discretion of the President of the Board, but will be limited to no more than three minutes per speaker. If the number of registered speakers exceeds ten, the allotted time to speak may be reduced to keep public comments within the allocated time of the meeting. When a statement has reached the end of the specific allotted time for any given meeting, the microphone will automatically be muted to provide for a transition to the next speaker.

    The Board or the Superintendent may seek additional information or clarification from the speaker addressing the Board. Also at the Board's discretion, the Board, the Superintendent or the administrative staff will provide a written response within a reasonable time period.

    Board meetings may be conducted virtually during emergency closures of the District or when authorized by the President of the Board.

    In order to ensure those who desire to have an opportunity to make a statement to the Board, whether in person or virtually, the following guidelines will govern:

    • In-Person Board Meetings - Speakers may sign up by providing their name, relationship to the district and subject of the statement on the form available at the entrance of the Board meeting. The sign-up period will begin at least thirty minutes prior to the start of the regular board meeting and will close at the start of the board meeting. Speakers are encouraged to provide the Board with a copy of their statement or a short written description of the topic they are addressing. Speakers will be invited to speak in the order they signed up. Those making a statement shall first state their name, group, if any, they represent and relationship to the district.
    • Virtual Board Meetings - Speakers may sign up at least 24 hours prior to the start of the regular board meeting using the link on the Board’s web page or may contact the Board Secretary. Speakers must register to speak at least two hours prior to the start of the meeting. Speakers will receive a confirmation email with a link and/or call in number to participate remotely. Speakers will be called upon to speak by the President of the Board in the order in which they have registered to speak. Those making a statement shall first state their name, the group, if any, they represent and relationship to the district.