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- Testing (ACT, PSAT, AP)
- PSAT - October 23
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The PSAT/NMSQT (Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test), most widely known as "PSAT," will be available for interested juniors and sophomores at Parkway Central High School on Wednesday, October 23, 2024. This exam is optional and not used for college admissions, so only students interested in taking the test should pursue this opportunity.
Important dates:
August 14th– PSAT registration opens (in Parent Portal of Infinite Campus)
August 28th – IEP/504 accommodation requests sent to Mrs. Prange via email by 8 am
September 18th – Test registration deadline (@ 2pm)
October 8th - Attend a mandatory "Digital Readiness Check" in the PCH Library during Ac Lab
October 23rd – Test date @ PCH (Details shared closer to test date with those who register)Should you register?
We are often asked about how many students at PCH take the PSAT. Typically around 150 students register for the exam. Here are some things to think about as you decide:
- Our district offers the ACT to all students, but if your student thinks they might also choose to take the SAT on their own, the PSAT would serve as a practice test for SAT. Note: students may also take a free practice SAT at home (see preparation resources below).
- Students are typically most successful on this test if they have already completed a full year of both Algebra and Geometry.
- For juniors only, the PSAT serves as the qualifying test to become a National Merit Semifinalist/Finalist. To earn this recognition, students must score in the top 1% of test takers.
If you decide to NOT TAKE the PSAT, is that OK?
If you are not interested in pursuing the National Merit competition or Missouri Scholars Academy, you probably don't need to pay to take the PSAT. Students may still use the free resources available to take full-length exams and see how they might do on an SAT without taking an official PSAT.
If you decide to TAKE the PSAT, how do you REGISTER?
Interested junior and sophomore students must be registered through the Infinite Campus PARENT portal by 2:00 pm on Wednesday, September 18, 2024. The test fee is $20.00 and will be added to the parent portal in Infinite Campus once registration is processed. To register, parents need to sign into their Infinite Campus Parent Portal, select "More" then "Online Payments." If you are accessing on a phone, you will likely need to turn your device horizontally to see the entire screen. Select your student's name (if you have more than one student in Parkway) - tab at the top. You will then see a button for "Optional PSAT Registration" near the bottom of the page. Click on "Optional PSAT Registration" then complete the form. Once you submit the form, the $20 fee for the exam will be added to your students' account. You may pay online, or in the school store (cash, check or card - note, a 2.5% service fee will be added for credit/debit card payments in the store).
If I have an IEP/504 Plan with testing accommodations, can I get those on the PSAT?
If your student has testing accommodations (ie extended time, breaks as needed) through a current IEP or 504 plan at PCHS and wishes to apply for similar accommodations for the PSAT, the deadline to submit those requests is August 28 at 8 am! A parent/guardian must email Mrs. Prange permitting to release a copy of the current IEP/504 and any required diagnostic information to College Board as soon as possible, but no later than 8:00 am on August 28th if you would like to pursue this opportunity. **If your student has already taken a PSAT, SAT or AP exam with approved accommodations, those will remain in place for this exam, as well.
If I decide to test, how can I PREPARE?
Free test preparation is also available through College Board at "Preparing for the PSAT/NMSQT". The 2024 PSAT/NMSQT Student Guide contains a description of the test, sample questions, and other useful information regarding the National Merit scholarship competition for juniors. A detailed description of the test and sample questions may be found online at What's on the PSAT/NMSQT. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the PSAT/NMSQT, please feel free to contact Mrs. Prange at NPrange@parkwayschools.net.
What to bring:
- Your fully charged device. You must have the app installed and exam setup complete before test day if you're testing with a personal device.
- A power cord and/or a portable charger. We cannot guarantee you’ll have access to an outlet during testing. Your device should be able to hold a charge for 3–4 hours.
- A pencil or pen.
- Scratch paper will be provided—do not bring your own.
- An approved calculator. There’s a graphing calculator built into the app, but you can bring your own if you like.
- An external mouse if you use one.
- A drink or snacks (for your break).
What NOT to bring:
Book bags, purses, cell phones, smartwatches/fitness bands are not permitted in the testing rooms. The College Board also requires you to remove hats and any shirt/sweatshirt hoods during testing.