
  • Resources for Seniors


    Presentation from Dr. Grich, Senior Principal
    * Class of 2025 - Senior Meeting

    Presentation from Mrs. Prange, Post-Secondary Counselor
    * Class of 2025 - Senior Year, Graduation & Beyond



    Confirm you are on track with your graduation requirements.  Use the Academic Plan Progress Report in Infinite Campus to view the status of your credits and required assessments (EOC exams, MO & US Constitution, American Civics).  Connect with your comprehensive counselor if you have any questions or concerns.


    Application Fee Waivers: If you have financial barriers and need assistance with application fees, waivers might be available for students who qualify for meal benefits.  To see if you are eligible, fill out the district application here.


    College Research

    • Finding the Best Fit College
    • Mentors 4 College - local, non-profit organization offering FREE post-secondary support for students and parents

    • College Visits/Fairs:
      1. If you are going to miss school for a campus visit, please inform your grade-level office of your absence.  The absence is coded as "CV" (College Visit) and is excused, but you are still responsible for the missed work.
      2. Lots of college admission representatives visit PCH - - sign up in SchooLinks to connect with them while they are in the building.  Instructions for registering are located here.
      3. If you would benefit from attending a college fair, there are several great opportunities in the fall. Sign up at StriveFair.

    Alternative Path Research


    Financial Aid
    Missouri A+ Scholarship Program

    Scholarship Sites:
     * SchooLinks
     * My Scholarship Central
     * Going Merry

    Appointments with Mrs. Prange: students (and/or parents) may schedule individual appointments on school days with Mrs. Prange using her online scheduling system.  Email her for the link or stop by the Counseling lobby to scan her QR code.