• Signing up for National ACT/SAT Dates

    Students may register to take the ACT and/or SAT multiple times each year.  Most colleges/universities allow students to select which scores they would like to share during the admissions process.  Please consult individual school websites for admission and application requirements and plan a testing schedule accordingly.

    Other than the free ACT that is given to all students in April of junior year, students must register for the ACT on their own.  Parkway Central hosts the Saturday national test dates in October and February of each year if you prefer testing at your home school.  Registration for all national test dates is completed at the ACT website.  We recommend that students have exposure to Algebra 2 prior to testing, to have the best opportunity for success on the math portion of the ACT.  If you typically receive testing accommodations, please refer to the Requesting Testing Accommodations site for more information.

    For information regarding the free District ACT provided to Parkway juniors each spring, click here.

    To register for the SAT or SAT Subject tests, students would go to the College Board website.  The SAT assessment suite has been redesigned, so it is important for students to review those changes on the College Board website prior to taking the exam.  Parkway Central does not host any SAT test dates.  If you typically receive testing accommodations, please refer to the Requesting Testing Accommodations site for more information.

    Students who are eligible for meal benefits in Parkway (free or reduced lunch fees) will qualify for exam fee waivers for ACT and SAT.  Reach out to Mrs. Prange or your counselor for more information.  The application for meal benefits is here and must be completed each school year.