- Central High
- Volunteer & Enrichment Opportunities
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- Latin Cum Laude System - Frequently Asked Questions
Although community service hours are not required for graduation, we encourage all students to find a way to engage in their community and serve others. This list of opportunities is not inclusive, but provides examples of things Central High students have engaged with in the past.
- Parkway Central - Project Help
- St. Louis County Library
- Jewish Community Center
- Friends of Kids with Cancer
- Ready Readers
- Loaves & Fishes
- St. Louis Area Foodbank
- Artists First
- TASK (Team Activities for Special Kids)
- KEEN (Kids Enjoy Exercise Now) St. Louis
- Great Rivers Greenway
- Seed St. Louis
- Forest ReLeaf Nursery and Arboretum
- Butterfly House
- Humane Society of Missouri
- Missouri House Rabbit Society of St. Louis
- Audubon Center at Riverlands
- St. Louis County Pet Adoption Center
- Foster & Adoptive Care Coalition
- Animal Protective Association
- Zoo ALIVE Teen Volunteer Program
- Zoo Teen Summer Program
- The Moog Center for Deaf Education - summer volunteers needed (contact lfales@moogcenter.org)
- Local Medical Path Opportunities
- United Way
- Volunteen Nation
- Volunteer Match
- Volunteer Crowd - create a free account to search for opportunities
Students are often looking for experiences which will promote academic and/or personal growth. Here are some examples of opportunities or resources available to find the best fit for your needs:
- Missouri Cadet Patrol Academy (summer; ages 16-18; apply by March 1st): brochure, application, insurance, uniform
- Heavy Metal Summer Experience - camp for careers in building trades
- Local Medical Path Opportunities
- UMSL Bridge Summer Academy
- Express Scripts Saturday Academy
- UHSP Healthcare Summer Immersion Program (must be 16 by first day of program)
- UMKC Pharmacy Camp
- BESt Healthcare Institute Summer Program
- Xploration Healthcare Summer Program (ages 11-15)
- Healthcare Camp - SoutheastHEALTH (rising 10th-12th)
- Wash U - High School Summer Scholars Program
- SLU Pre-College Summer Programs
- Missouri S&T Summer Camps
- Webster Univ Summer Camps (Media Arts, Science & Health, Art, Dance, Music)
- Bears Teach (Missouri State University)
- Aspiring Educators - Summer Learn & Earn Opportunities (compiled by Dr. Yeager of Spark! Teaching & Learning)
- Missouri Fine Arts Academy (Missouri State University)
- St. Louis ArtWorks (paid apprenticeship for ages 14-19)
- University of Kansas Summer Engineering Camp
- MEET Kelly - Summer Business Program (Kelley School of Business at Indiana University)
- Kansas State Summer Camps
- UIUC Summer Programs
- Indiana University PreCollege Programs
- Purdue - Summer College for High School Students
- Rhodes College - Summer Writing Institute
- University of Iowa - Young Writers' Studio
- Check out the PCHS Science page for a list of summer opportunities
- YSP - Summer Focus (Young Scientist Program)
- Outdoor Youth Corp (at MO Botanical Gardens) - paid internships!
- CRISPr (Cancer Research Inspiring Future Scientists Program)
- SIFT & TERA (Shaw Institute for Field Training & Tyson Environmental Research Apprenticeship)
- Young Women's Leadership Challenge - summer program for rising sophomores, juniors and seniors
- Lumiere Education - Research Scholars Program
- TeenLife - website to explore summer and gap year programs