How we got here: History of Early Childhood needs

  • This web page includes an archive of how we identified early childhood needs in Parkway going back to 2021 and where we are today.

    November 2024: The Board of Education announces the decision not to build an early childhood center at the Wren Avenue proposed site in the South area of the district. Read the announcement statement here.

    • Parkway's plans for a new early childhood center in the South area evolved in response to traffic concerns and other complications at the proposed Manchester site. 
    • The message from our community has been consistent: Parkway needs a long-term, sustainable solution that ensures high-quality early learning opportunities for all children.
    • When a solution is identified, we will direct Prop S 2022 bond funds approved for a new center toward our commitment to early childhood education.

    November 2022: In 2022, 76,000 Parkway voters approved a no-tax-rate-increase bond issue - Proposition S - to fund a new early childhood center.

    Our proposal to build a second early childhood center, specifically in the south area of Parkway, was based on:

    The historic and increasing high demand for early learning in Parkway

      • For decades, Parkway has turned away 250-550 families each year due to a lack of space in our preschool and early childhood programs.
      • Of the satellite locations, Wren Hollow Elementary in the South area historically has the most students on waiting lists for preschool each year. 
    • Data and research summarized in a 2021-22 report as well as from a 2021 market analysis and demographic study

      • The 63021 zip code is the area of greatest need.  
      • Almost half of non-district childcare and pre-K providers do not serve children with special needs, or exclude those with more challenging behaviors.
      • Overcrowding at our Early Childhood Center near West High and Wren Hollow’s preschool classrooms would be alleviated by building a new center in the South area. 
      • The study is available here
    • Community feedback and support for high-quality early learning 

      • In 2022, thousands of Parkway staff, parents and residents identified a new early childhood center as a district priority.
      • In 2022, 76,000 Parkway voters approved a no-tax-rate-increase bond issue - Proposition S - to fund the new early childhood center.

    March, 2024: Parkway received the preliminary results of a traffic impact study for the proposed site on Wren Avenue. The traffic study and its recommendations ultimately led to concerns about the viability of the project at the Wren Avenue location.

    March 26, 2024: Parkway held a community meeting with neighbors and residents to answer questions and gather input on the project and proposed site on Wren Avenue. Those who attended heard a presentation led by subject matter experts, and then were asked to share feedback during facilitated table discussions on the following questions.

    We heard dozens of themes from this feedback session, which are outlined below. One theme that received broad support was “consider and find other more suitable locations for an early childhood center.”