- Parkway Schools
- Infinite Campus
- Updating Personal Information in Infinite Campus
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Updating Personal Information in Infinite Campus
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To update Family Member contact information, including student cell phone numbers:
Sign into your Parent Portal account.Choose More in the left panel.
Choose Family Information.
Click the Update button to the right of the person you are editing.
Make your changes, then click the Update button at the bottom of the screen.
Phone number and email address changes update immediately in Infinite Campus. Please note that some changes require registrar review. This review may take time to process.
After your request has been reviewed by the registrar, you will see a message in your Parent Portal inbox stating whether your request has been approved or denied. You will also have the ability to add additional comments in all your sections submitted as well as the registrar giving you an explanation as to why your request was denied.To make changes to Household Address and Household Phone Number:
Your household address and phone number appear under More>Address Information in the Parent Portal. Before an address can be updated, Parkway requires two proofs of residency. To learn how to update your address, click here. This change will require registrar review. Please contact the District Registration office (314-415-9900) with any questions.To add or update Non-Household Contact information:
In your Parent Portal account, go to More, then Demographics.
Click on the Update button to edit or remove existing contacts, or the Add button to set up a new contact.
Changes to non-household relationships, including emergency contacts, also require review by a registrar.If you have any questions or need additional assistance, please contact us at ic-parenthelp@parkwayschools.net.
Revised 10/2021