AP (Advanced Placement) Tests


    Advanced Placement  (AP) as a College Credit option

    Advanced Placement (AP) is a college credit program through the College Board.  Potential credit is based on the score the student earns on an AP exam given during a specific national schedule in May. Scores range in whole numbers from 1 to 5.  Each college determines what score is acceptable to grant college credit and how that credit is granted. It may be actual credit, or it could be an exception from a required college class, or elective credit, if credit is given.  As always, it is a good idea for your student to research the particular universities to find out what credit is given, what scores are required, and how the credit is used. This research can be completed through the student’s College Board account under “AP credit policies”, typing in the college’s name, or through the college's website using the search tab and typing “AP credit” for the information. The AP credit policy webpages include direct links to each college's AP credit policy.

    For detailed information, see the short slideshow presentation about South High and the College Board's AP program: Click here to view.

    For information on PSH's AP 2024-2025 program click here.

    If you have questions about specific AP exams, please contact the instructor of that particular class. For questions regarding registration for AP exams or AP exam administration, please contact Ms. Robin Seuc.