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- Parkway Band Camp
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2024 Middle School Band Camp Information
The Parkway Midle School Band Camp is offered for all band students who are entering seventh and eighth grade in August. Band Camp will take place August 5 - August 9, 2024, from 9:00am to 12:00pm at Parkway Northeast Middle School. The camp fee is $100.00 per student for all fifteen hours of instruction (including a camp T-shirt).
All students must provide their own instruments and transportation, and be picked up by 12:15 pm. Larger wind instruments (tenor sax, bari sax, french horn, baritone, tuba) can be provided by the student’s school and band director. Please note: students will be required to provide their own reeds, valve oil, slide cream, sticks, mallets, etc.
During Band Camp, students will review their sight-reading skills, learn fun new music, and prepare for the coming school year. There will be small and large group instruction by Parkway’s middle school band staff and a performance on the final day of camp. We encourage your child to bring a light snack (no peanut products) and drink each day!
Parkway Northeast Middle School
181 Coeur de Ville Dr., Creve Coeur, MO 63141DATES:
Monday, August 5 - August 9, 2024HOURS:
9:00am to 12:00pmCOST:
$100 per student (includes Camp T-shirt)BAND CAMP STAFF:
Morgan Schneider, Central Middle
Mike Steep, Northeast Middle
Charlie Mosley, Northeast Middle
Keely O’Hara, South Middle
Lisa McMahon, Southwest MiddleFINAL CONCERT:
Friday, August 9, 2024
Northeast Middle School Big Gym
Please arrive on Monday, August 5th at 8:45 a.m. in the Northeast Middle School “Great Hall” (cafeteria), where you will meet the staff
All students must provide their own instruments, optional snack/drink, and transportation.
All students must be picked up by 12:15 p.m.
REGISTER TODAY: (Registration is Closed)(Registration closed July 1, 2024)
Login to Infinite Campus Parent Portal
Click on the word "More"
Under Quick Links click on "Online Payments"
This should take you to your student's online account.
If you need assistance in creating your portal, please contact ic-parenthelp@parkwayschools.net.
If you have any questions, please get in touch with us:Band Camp Questions: Mike Steep, Director of Band Camp
msteep@parkwayschools.net or 314-415-7140Registration or Payment Questions: Maggie Kline
mkline@parkwayschools.net or 314-415-8056 -